
shān hú dǎo
  • coral island
珊瑚岛 [shān hú dǎo]
  • [coral island] 主要由珊瑚堆积成的岛

  1. 他们通过加勒比海,来到一个很小的珊瑚岛上。

    They across the Caribbean and arrived at a tiny coral island .

  2. 这个珊瑚岛上栖息着很多种海鸟。

    Many types of seabirds inhabit the coral island .

  3. 在地势低平的珊瑚岛或环礁上没有这种螺。

    These snails do not occur on low-lying coral islands or atolls .

  4. 在珊瑚岛上的ACT项目-这个项目于2005年在像我们这样的志愿者的帮助下开始的。

    The ACT project on Coal Island-This project started in2005 with the help of volunteers , such as the like of us .

  5. LouisReard以太平洋的一个环状珊瑚岛为自己设计的这款泳衣命名,美国政府曾在该岛引爆了战后的第一枚原子弹。

    It was devised by French fashion designer Louis Reard , who named the creation after the Pacific Ocean * atoll , where the American government * detonated the first postwar nuclear bomb .

  6. 位于法国玻利尼西亚群岛中的大约个珊瑚岛。

    A group of about 80 coral islands in French Polynesia .

  7. 太平洋中部的一组火山岛和珊瑚岛。

    A group of volcanic and coral islands in the central Pacific .

  8. 佛罗里达和佛罗里达南部珊瑚岛群的大型白色鹭。

    Large white heron of Florida and the Florida Keys .

  9. 大部分的珊瑚岛都集中在太平洋地区。

    Most of the world 's coral islands are in the Pacific Ocean .

  10. 珊瑚岛、珊瑚礁和环礁

    Coral island , coral reef , and atoll

  11. 尽管有些不愉快的经历,当然,我们还会在入住珊瑚岛酒店。

    We would certainly stay on Coral Island again , despite the negative experiences .

  12. 天真的神话:《鲁滨孙飘流记》、《珊瑚岛》和《蝇王》比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Robinson Crusoe , The Coral Island and Lord of the Flies

  13. 甚至珊瑚岛正在下沉。

    Even coral islands are low-lying .

  14. 这些小群岛全是珊瑚岛。

    These islands are coral formations .

  15. 肯尼亚南部的一个港口城市,位于印度洋的一个海湾的珊瑚岛上。

    A port in S Kenya on a coral island in a bay of the Indian Ocean .

  16. 目的:观察生物杀螨剂阿维菌素在热带珊瑚岛上对地里纤恙螨成虫杀灭效果。

    Objective : To illustrate the killing effects of avermectin on Leptotrombidium deliense on tropical coral islands .

  17. 两部孤岛小说两种人性内涵&《蝇王》和《珊瑚岛》中猎猪场景的文体学比较分析

    A Comparative Stylistic Analysis of the Hunting Episodes in Lord of the Flies and The Coral Island

  18. 然后在加勒比海上划了几英里,到了一座珊瑚岛上。

    Then rowed for a few miles across the Caribbean until they arrived at a tiny coral island .

  19. 最近,有两个人在珊瑚岛上呆了五天,还意犹未尽。

    Two men who recently spent five days on a coral island wished they had stayed there longer .

  20. 1980年的科幻电影《珊瑚岛上的死光》是一部做作、充满政治宣传的失败之作。

    A 1980 movie , " Death Ray on Coral Island , " was a campy , propagandistic flop .

  21. 临近珊瑚岛,我们发现游客不是很多,这正好。

    As we approached the Island we noticed that it wasn 't too busy with tourists , which was fine .

  22. 海平面持续升高的威胁可能会给住在该国九个海拔极低的珊瑚岛上的一万多居民带来灭顶之灾。

    The threat of sea level rise may bring complete disaster to the10,000 Tuvaluans residing on nine extremely low-lying coral atolls .

  23. 热带阳光、稀有动物、环状珊瑚岛&一次冒险,仅有简单的计划、指南针以及我的素描本,正像这个图形展现的一样

    Tropical sun , exotic animals , atolls-adventure only with a paper plan , compass and my own sketchbook-diary like this graphic

  24. 这个小珊瑚岛位在印度洋,十分孤寂,还未听到欧洲爆发战争的消息。

    It was a lonely place , so much so that word of the outbreak of war in Europe had not yet reached it .

  25. 对于一个由珊瑚岛组成的国家来说,海平面上升和更严重的气候现象赫然耸现,威胁着我国的所有居民。

    For a coral atoll nation , sea level rise and more severe weather events loom as a growing threat to our entire population .

  26. 珊瑚岛是岛屿形成过程中的第三个阶段。第一个阶段是火山活动形成岛屿,第二个阶段就是环礁岛。

    This state is typically the last in the life cycle of an island , the first being volcanic and the second being an atoll .

  27. 传统上将岛屿分为大陆岛、海洋岛(火山岛与珊瑚岛)和冲积岛。

    Traditionally , islands are divided into continental island , oceanic island ( volcanic island , coral island ) and alluvial island in the ocean .

  28. 明天的天儿应该会好转,一旦好转,我们充满渴望的队伍将返回到珊瑚岛完成他们的使命。

    The weather should start improving tomorrow , and as soon as it does , our eager team will return to Coal Island to complete their task .

  29. 我们几天前就预订了,我们还和酒店的招待员交涉好了,因为我们的泰国话说得不是很好,她便代表我们联系到珊瑚岛游玩的事项。

    As we got engaged a few days earlier , our Hotelreceptionist got us a wee deal aswell , as our Thai wasn 't very good she contacted the Island on our behalf .

  30. 航空母舰可以加强我国的能力,声称该礁珊瑚岛、南华海,面积可能富含石油和其他资源。

    An aircraft carrier could enhance China 's ability to lay claim to the islands and coral atolls of the South China Sea , an area potentially rich in oil and other resources .