
yà lún
  • Aaron;Alan;Yaren;Jonah Hill
  1. 而对业内有些人来说,包括同样健谈的Box公司首席执行官亚伦o李维,这种改变还不会很快实现。

    For some in the industry , including the also voluble CEO of Box , Aaron Levie , the change couldn 't have come too soon .

  2. 波士顿麻省总医院(MassachusettsGeneralHospital)心脏病专家、铁人三项和马拉松选手亚伦??巴吉胥(AaronBaggish)说:“你跑得的路越长,得到的关注也就越多。”

    The longer you go , the more attention people pay to you , ' said Aaron Baggish , a triathlete , marathoner and Massachusetts General Hospital cardiologist .

  3. 在亚伦•泰宁特(AlanTennant)的《游隼之翼》(OntheWing)一书中,他详细记录了游隼的迁徙过程。

    In his book On the Wing , Alan Tennant chronicles his efforts to track the migration of the peregrine falcon .

  4. 纽约洛克维尔中心区(RockvilleCentre)莫西医学中心(MercyMedicalCenter)首席行政长、传染病学专家亚伦&12539;格拉特(AaronGlatt)说:如果你能践行良好的个人卫生习惯,就没有问题。

    ' If you practice good hygiene , you 'll be fine , ' said Aaron Glatt , an infectious-disease specialist who is chief administrative officer at Mercy Medical Center in Rockville Centre , N.Y.

  5. 还有,SHHHH,他们也不允许大姐姐米利暗和大哥哥亚伦把这个消息告诉任何人。

    And shhh ! Big sister Miriam and brother Aaron were not allowed to tell either .

  6. 有件事并不令人意外,那就是,Machinima的联合创始人艾伦•德贝沃伊斯和亚伦•德贝沃伊斯同时还和霍巴克祖斯基一同创立了StyleHaul。

    Not surprisingly , Machinima co-founders Allen Debevoise and Aaron Debevoise also co-founded stylehaul with horbaczewski .

  7. 容早年曾是诗人,在《怕飞》之前出版过两本诗集,后来她把《怕飞》卖给亚伦·阿舍(AaronAsher),此人曾为索尔·贝娄(SaulBellow)、菲利普·罗斯(PhilipRoth)和阿瑟·米勒(ArthurMiller)担任编辑。

    Ms. Jong started out as a poet , and published two volumes of verse before selling " Fear of Flying " to Aaron Asher , an editor whose roster of writers included Saul Bellow , Philip Roth and Arthur Miller .

  8. 亚伦公司是一家港资企业,专业从事电壁炉与家居用品的生产,为应对客户对产品质量要求的提高和自身品牌建设的发展需要,亚伦公司导入并推行了ISO9000国际质量体系。

    Allen Company is a HongKong-invested enterprise , specialized in production of the electric fireplace and household goods . In response to meet the requirements of the customer and the needs of their own brand construction development , Allen Company imported ISO9000 management system .

  9. 微软互联网安全执行团队的高级律师亚伦•科恩布卢姆(AaronKornblum)表示:对于全球的知名商标而言,域名抢注是一个日益严重的问题。我们希望引导其它商标所有者,鼓励它们采取行动。

    Cybersquatting is a growing problem for brands around the world and we hope to educate other brand holders and encourage them to take action , said Aaron Kornblum , senior attorney on Microsoft 's internet safety enforcement team .

  10. 早日参观白宫官邸,奥巴马停止国之外餐厅考虑亚伦Shikler著名的画像约翰肯尼迪。

    On an early tour of the White House residence , Obama stops outside the State Dining Room to consider Aaron Shikler 's famous portrait of John F.Kennedy .

  11. 暗兰的儿子是亚伦,摩西,还有女儿米利暗。

    The children of Amram : Aaron , Moses and Miriam .

  12. 亚伦会解释,那是存货单。

    Aaron would have to explain all about the storage manifest .

  13. 她是米利安,亚伦和摩西的母亲。

    She was the mother of Miriam , Aaron and Moses .

  14. 艾维斯亚伦普里斯莱会在此了结一生。

    It would all end right here for Elvis Aaron presley .

  15. 亚伦下次见

    Oh , hi , Aron . I 'll see you .

  16. 摩西、亚伦就照耶和华所吩咐的行。

    Moses and Aaron did just as the LORD had commanded .

  17. 那膏油接著流到亚伦的衣襟。

    The oil , then , runs down Aaron 's garment .

  18. 是亚伦,他教会我发短信。

    It 's Aram , he taught me how to text .

  19. 我已经很久没见到亚伦和他太太了。

    I haven 't seen aaron and his wife for ages .

  20. 亚伦一年一次要在坛的角上行赎罪之礼。

    Once a year Aaron shall make atonement on its horns .

  21. “我能再要点烤面包吗?”亚伦问。

    Could I have some more toast ? @ asked aaron .

  22. 当亚伦没有马上让我作他的女朋友。

    When Aaron didn 't immediately ask me to be his girlfriend .

  23. 亚伦:嗨,丽兹。喔,嗨,克莱尔!

    Aaron : Hi , Liz . Oh , hi , Claire !

  24. “你不会是个胆小鬼吧?”亚伦讽刺他说。

    You aren 't chicken , are you ? @ goaded aaron .

  25. 亚伦,你怎么这么粗鲁?

    Aaron , why are you being such a jerk ?

  26. 我会找到新欢的,会有另一个亚伦。

    I 'll meet somone else . there 'll be other alans .

  27. 她给暗兰生了亚伦,摩西,并他们的姐姐米利暗。

    To Amram she bore Aaron , Moses and their sister Miriam .

  28. 要是我眯起眼睛就能把他看成亚伦艾达。

    If I squint , I can pretend he 's Alan alda .

  29. 亚伦:为了我的健康,我可以做任何事情。

    Aaron : I can do everything for my health .

  30. 亚伦脑后的黑板上写着什么来着?

    What was on the board behind aaron 's head ?