
Yà sù ěr qún dǎo
  • the Azores
  1. 亚速尔群岛就是中部大西洋山脉的几座山峰的尖端。

    The Azores are the tops of peaks in the mid-Atlantic mountain range .

  2. 亚速尔群岛就成为他的囊中物了。

    The Azores will be in his palm .

  3. 亚速尔群岛(AZORES)//皮科(Pico)是亚速尔群岛第二大岛屿,它拥有独特地形,以梯田状的葡萄园区为主。

    AZORES / / Pico is the second-largest island in the Azores , with a unique topography defined by terraced hillside vineyards .

  4. 当NAO减弱时,一个高压会由亚速尔群岛向西南移动到百慕达群岛,这会阻碍飓风北转,不过飓风也因此能增加强度,并且向加勒比海及美国东南部而去。

    When the NAO weakens , a pressure high moves southwest from the Azores to Bermuda ; this prevents hurricanes from turning north , so they gain strength and head for the Caribbean and the southeastern U.

  5. 亚速尔群岛英雄港中心区域

    Central Zone of Angra do Heroismo in the Azores

  6. 飞去巴哈马或者亚速尔群岛

    head to the Bahamas , the Azores --

  7. 子群的半覆盖-远离性与有限群的可解性亚速尔群岛就成为他的囊中物了。

    Semi Cover-avoidance Properties of Subgroups and Solvability of Finite Groups The Azores will be in his palm .

  8. 飓风中心预测说风暴将横跨开阔的大西洋向葡萄牙海域亚速尔群岛移动。

    The Hurricane Center predicted the storm will advance across the open Atlantic toward the Azores archipelago off Portugal .

  9. 潘船长查看了航海图以后,推算要是这种天气持续下去,他们将在六月二十一日到达亚速尔群岛。到了那儿,飞起来就省时间了。

    Captain Pan calculated , after consulting the ship 's chart , that if this weather lasted they should strike the Azores about the 21st of June , after which it would save time to fly .

  10. 最有代表的标准震例是1941年11月25日葡萄牙亚速尔群岛8.3级大地震,我国渤海1969年7月18日7.4级地震前后烟台站的验潮记录也显示出显著异常。

    The best example is the M8 . 3 earthquake occurring in Azov archipelago , Portugal , on November 25 , 1941 . The record of Lagos tide - gauge station shows that its sea level falls 30 cm one year before earthquake . The earthquake burst during anomaly recovery .

  11. 分布在北非、亚速尔和加那利群岛的蕨类。

    Fern of North Africa and Azores and Canary islands .