
  • 网络KOROR
  1. 萨姆解释说,该公司意识到自己将要输掉这场公关斗争后,立即重新部署,并雇请了科罗尔公司。

    Sam explained that once the company realized it was losing the PR battle , it regrouped and hired Kroll .

  2. 科罗尔公司总部设在纽约,员工遍布全球,并且有着丰富的资源和强大的关系网络。

    Based in New York , Kroll has a global network of employees , vast resources , and powerful connections .

  3. 原告方与贝里斯坦有没有可能串通一气,精心挑选了受访者呢?科罗尔公司希望我能查个水落石出。

    Was it possible that the plaintiffs had colluded with Beristain to handpick the interviewees ? Kroll wanted me to find out .