- 名【地名】【太平洋】Coral Sea

Gilly Llewellyn , from the conservation organization WWF , says pollution and oil and gas drilling are among many threats that could damage the Coral Sea 's ecosystem .
A buoy in the Coral Sea is also on alert .
I suggest we meet again after the Coral Sea campaign .
Who saved us from the Japanese in the Coral Sea in WW2 ?
The coral sea ! That 's where we think they 'll strike next .
Coral Sea Ferry Service Company Limited
On January 4 , two days after crossing the Coral Sea , we raised the coast of Papua .
Cape York Peninsula : a peninsula of northeast australia between the Gulf of Carpentaria and the Coral Sea .
Australia has the Coral Sea Conservation Zone in its territorial waters east of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park .
In nineteen seventy-six , the composer received a Pulitzer Prize in recognition of his important role in American music .
Before the Nautilus 's spur there stretched the dangerous waterways of the Coral Sea , off the northeast coast of Australia .
So , without formal protection for the Coral Sea we 're afraid it might be vulnerable to that in the future .
The Pew Environmental Group , which is based in the United States , has been pushing Australia to increase protection of the Coral Sea .
And on he swam through the Coral Sea where the shells of millions and millions of tiny creatures had turned to rock and stood as big as mountains .
The Coral Sea is home to wildlife . It is one of the few places in the world where populations of large fish such as tuna and sharks have not been severely
Activities already carried out in the Coral Sea , such as pleasure cruises , fishing and scientific research , will be allowed to continue but can not be increased within the Conservation Zone .
So what is this hyperbolic geometry that corals and sea slugs embody ?
The seaward slope of coral reef is one of the most distinguishing geomorphic units , specially the shallow platform and spur and groove systems developed in the upper seaward slope which reflect the tectonic movement , sea-level changes and the strength of hydrodynamics .
Great Barrier Reef consists of a chain of coral reefs and coral islands in the Coral Sea which stretches along the northeast coast of Australia .
An aircraft carrier could enhance China 's ability to lay claim to the islands and coral atolls of the South China Sea , an area potentially rich in oil and other resources .