
  • 网络monrovia
  1. 叛乱分子已经开放了从蒙罗维亚到象牙海岸的道路。

    The rebels have opened the road from Monrovia to the Ivory Coast

  2. 彼得·默里一直在伦敦监听来自蒙罗维亚的新闻报道。

    Peter Murray is in London and has been monitoring reports out of Monrovia .

  3. 最近的这次袭击发生在首都蒙罗维亚东北20英里处的凯里斯堡。

    This latest attack was at Careysburg , twenty miles north-east of the capital , Monrovia .

  4. 我们正处在利比里亚蒙罗维亚市WestPoint的中心地带,贫民窟区域,而且可以说是西非人口密度最大的贫民窟区域。

    We were in the heart of West Point , the slum of Monrovia , Liberia , and arguably the densest slum in all of West Africa .

  5. 利比里亚蒙罗维亚——几十名学生静静地坐着在查尔斯金小学(C.D.B.KingElementarySchool)落满尘土的昏暗礼堂里面,这是他们复课的第一天早晨。

    MONROVIA , Liberia - A couple of dozen students sat quietly inside the C.D.B. King Elementary School 's dim and dusty auditorium on their first morning back .

  6. 来自利比里亚首都蒙罗维亚的BBC记者乔森纳·佩耶·雷报道说,许多学校缺乏基本教学设施,师资质量低下。

    Many schools lack basic education material and teachers are poorly qualified , reports the BBC 's Jonathan Paye-Layleh reports from the capital , Monrovia .

  7. 利比里亚蒙罗维亚市(Monrovia)&那一瞬间,我竟然忘了我们驱车前往的目的地。

    Monrovia , Liberia & for a second I forgot where the car was taking me .

  8. 里丁回忆起一年前,利比里亚报告首批埃博拉病例,随后埃博拉演变成一场严重的疫情,让距离首都蒙罗维亚100公里的NewLiberty的1000名工人不得不努力应对。

    Mr Reading recalls how a year ago the first Ebola cases were reported in the country , and how the disease grew into a serious outbreak that the 1000 workers at New Liberty , 100km from Liberia 's capital Monrovia , had to confront .

  9. 在利比里亚蒙罗维亚约120英里外的邦县,有一个70张床位的埃博拉治疗中心,国际医疗队(InternationalMedicalCorps)已经有大约200名医护人员在那里工作。该组织正在在塞拉利昂施工,准备开设一个50张床位的治疗中心。

    The International Medical Corps already has some 200 medical employees working in a 70-bed Ebola treatment center in Bong County , about 120 miles outside Monrovia , Liberia , and is working to construct and open a 50-bed center in Sierra Leone .

  10. 利比里亚首都蒙罗维亚一家实力雄厚的家族式企业家,CyrilAllen二世表示,大量的机会是造成这种现象的原因之一。

    One reason for it is simply the wealth of opportunity , says Cyril Allen II , a well-connected businessman in Liberia 's capital , Monrovia .

  11. 约翰逊·瑟利夫曾呼吁奥巴马采取更多行动来帮助她的国家,她与美国大使黛博拉·R·马拉克(DeborahR.Malac)一起在周末视察了利比里亚首都蒙罗维亚。

    Ms. Johnson Sirleaf , who has implored Mr. Obama to do more to help her country battle the disease , traveled over the weekend through Monrovia , the Liberian capital , with the United States ambassador , Deborah R. Malac .

  12. 当时埃博拉病毒抵达尼日利亚还没有多久:利比里亚裔美国公民帕特里克·索耶(PatrickSawyer)感染后,逃离了利比里亚首都蒙罗维亚,希望在尼日利亚获得更好的治疗,他于7月20日抵达拉各斯机场。

    It was not long after the Ebola virus had landed at the Lagos airport on July 20 in the person of Patrick Sawyer , a Liberian national and naturalized American citizen who had fled the Liberian capital Monrovia in hope of better treatment in Nigeria .

  13. 斯特雷特曾做过“成人时代”广播音乐节目制作人。1999年,他在位于加利福尼亚州蒙罗维亚的卧室里创立了一家名为iGen的公司。

    In1999 , Streit , a former adult-contemporary radio programmer , started a business called iGen in the bedroom of his Monrovia , Calif. , apartment .

  14. 2000年非洲发展前景蒙罗维亚座谈会

    Monrovia Colloquium on Africa 's Development Prospects by the Year 2000

  15. 蒙罗维亚的第一批病例今年6月才出现。

    The first cases in Monrovia were reported only in June .

  16. 然而,蒙罗维亚–以及利比里亚–仍然有很长的路要走。

    But Monrovia and Liberia still have a long way to go .

  17. 我们刚刚踏足蒙罗维亚医疗单位的高风险区域。

    We just entered the high risk area in Monrovia medical unit .

  18. 在蒙罗维亚,子弹壳铺满了整个街区。

    Bullet casings cover entirely a street in Monrovia .

  19. 蒙罗维亚感觉是另一个星球。

    Monrovia itself was like being on another planet .

  20. 促进非洲经济发展的蒙罗维亚战略

    Monrovia Strategy for the Economic Development of Africa

  21. 不过,蒙罗维亚的烟客们像塔尔努·瓦尔尼,就不会高兴。

    Smokers like Tarnue Varnie in Monrovia , however , are less than pleased .

  22. 目前西部地区民众禁止进入首都蒙罗维亚。

    People from western regions are now being blocked from entering the capital , Monrovia .

  23. 今天,蒙罗维亚地区的200户居民被疏散,这里距4月易发生山火的地区很近。

    Today , 200 homes in Monrovia near where a wildfire burned in April were evacuated .

  24. 执行蒙罗维亚非洲经济发展战略的拉各斯行动计

    Lagos Plan of Action for the Implementation of the Monrovia Strategy for the Economic Development of Africa

  25. 16个小时的飞行结束后,等待我的蒙罗维亚之旅是将会如何,我当时一无所知。

    I really had no clue what adventures awaited me at the end of the 16-hour flight to Monrovia .

  26. 官员表示,蒙罗维亚周末发生的混乱事件使埃博拉死亡人数不断增加的利比里亚更加不安。

    Officials say the weekend chaos in Monrovia highlights the growing unease in Liberia amid the mounting Ebola death toll .

  27. 就在去年德尔塔航空公司同法国航空公司一样增开了飞往利比里亚首都蒙罗维亚的航班。

    Last year Delta Air Lines added Monrovia , Liberia 's capital , as a destination , as did Air France .

  28. 蒙罗维亚正在被摧毁,大街上有很多尸体,他形容利比里亚首都时说。

    Monrovia was being ravaged and there were bodies lying in the street , he said of the capital of Liberia .

  29. 利比里亚蒙罗维亚&在这座海滨都城,有些人正在游泳出入埃博拉病毒隔离区。

    MONROVIA , Liberia & Some people are swimming in and out of the Ebola quarantine zone in this seaside capital .

  30. 利比里亚蒙罗维亚——在这座海滨都城,有些人正在游泳出入埃博拉病毒隔离区。

    MONROVIA , Liberia - Some people are swimming in and out of the Ebola quarantine zone in this seaside capital .