- Monte Carlo method

An Improved Monte Carlo Method for Simulation of Electron Swarm Parameters of SF_6 and CO_2 Gas Mixtures
In this paper risk analyses of intangible assets investment by Monte Carlo method and its application in EXCEL are made with example .
Monte-Carlo calculation of X-ray dose enhancement factor nearby high Z metal connected interface
Numerical Simulation of Stray Light in CCD Camera with the Monte Carlo Method
Design Optimization of Aluminium Foil High Speed Press Polish Roller Which Based on MATLAB of Fuzzy Theory
In addition the probabilistic nature of δ _ ( cr ) was simulated with Monte-Carlo method also .
Importance sampling Monte-Carlo method based on Neumann expansion response surface techniques
Then , 108 slide-resistant piles embed in soil foundation and 107 ones embed in rock foundation are computed to express the safety level of piles in form of reliability index .
The first and second chapter introduces the basic theory of White-LED and Monte Carlo Methods , analyzing the importance and possibility of designing White-LED 's phosphor layer .
Monte Carlo ( MC ) method is a sort of stochastic simulation method , which has been widely employed to solve radiative heat transfer .
The Strength Reliability Analysis of Vehicle Member Parts with the Random Finite Element Method in Which the ANSYS Software is Applied and Combined with Montecarlo Method
Design of a General Program for Solving the PERT Networks with Monte Carlo Method
Then , used Monte Carlo method simulated the light within the integrating sphere with MATLAB , it also texts the theoretical feasibility of designed low-light level stress source system .
Monte Carlo method was used simulating elastic collision of electron from solid surface , gained the electron elastic reflection coefficient η _E and the angular distribution of elastically backscattered electron .
According to the semi classical model , the transfer characteristics of CMOS type single electron digital logic cells were analyzed by the Monte Carlo simulation .
In this model , the liquidity risk-adjusted VAR could be calculate in three ways , including the variance-covariance method , historical simulation and Monte Carlo method .
The existing nonlinear methods include gradient method , newton algorithm , global search method , Bayesian algorithm , Monte Carlo method , simulated annealing algorithm and genetic algorithm .
Reliability sensitivity analysis of the QFN device based on Monte Carlo method
ANSYS Parametric Design Language ( APDL ); crankshaft ; finite element analysis ; reliability analysis ; Monte Carlo Simulation ( MCS ) method ;
ANSYS parametric design language is used to model and mesh the part , and then the Monte Carlo method is used for reliability analysis , reliability analysis files is generated .
The Monte Carlo method is combined with the Mie scattering theory to analyze the volumetric absorption characteristics of a semitransparent medium layer with absorbing and scattering particles .
According to the reliability of the frozen wall and deformation criterion equation , to established a functionality and reliability limit state equation of Reliability Analysis of the frozen wall and application of MATLAB based on Monte-Carlo analysis of the reliability of frozen wall .
Based on the theory of probability statistic , a non-fixed value probability finite element analysis method ( FEAM ) by using the FEA software ANSYS and Monte Carlo method was studied , by which the probability characteristic of projectile strength failure function was analyzed .
Simulation Test of Electric Field at Prefabricated Terminal for XLPE Insulated Power Supply Cable The critical position , which was the start position of the Monte Carlo simulation of steamer corona discharge , was solved too .
The temperature profile and infrared radiance of MESAR ( Multifunction Electronically Scanned Adaptive Radar ) when it was turned off and under different working conditions were calculated finely by combining Domain Decomposition Method with Monte Carlo method in this paper .
Based on Monte-Carlo fundamentals , by Matlab program , the time performance of light transmission by an integrating sphere with radius of 100 mm and diffuse reflectance of 0.85 was simulated . 100 000 photons were randomly sampled and traced .
Based on the experimental data of flashlamp radiation and Nd : glass absorption spectra , a numerical simulation model for the multisegment amplifier ( MSA ) has been proposed by using the ray tracing and Monte Carlo methods .
The component diffusion and convection heat transfer of laminar developing flow is solved by the SIMPLEC algorithm , and the radiative heat transfer is calculated by the Monte Carlo method .
A numerical simulation model for the multisegment amplifier ( MSA ) with diffuse reflector has been built up by using ray tracing and Monte Carlo methods . In our simulation , experimental data of the flashlamp radiation and Nd ∶ glass absorption spectra have been considered .
Statistic analysis of radiation transfer coefficient based on Monte Carlo method