
  • 网络WINDHOEK;Namibia
  1. 中部地区拥有大量的热点,包括首都温得和克建造大型官邸,Swakopmund的海边城市。

    The central region boasts a great number of highlights , including Windhoek and the seaside town of Swakopmund .

  2. 在温得和克,SADC津巴布韦促进者,南非总统祖马提出了他的报告以及接近两年前穆加贝同意的进行显著政治改革的决议的计划。

    In Windhoek , the SADC facilitator on Zimbabwe , South African President Jacob Zuma presented his report and a plan for resolution of political reforms agreed to by Mr. Mugabe nearly two years ago .

  3. 温得和克师资和技术训练中心

    Teachers and Technical Training Centre at Windhoek

  4. 在大范围的安检之后,这架飞机才离开温得和克,并于星期四早晨抵达慕尼黑。

    After extensive security checks , the plane departed Windhoek and arrived in Munich early Thursday .

  5. 他们还决定出资为纳米比亚总统在首都温得和克建造大型官邸。

    They have also decided to foot the bill for a large Namibian presidential palace in Windhoek .

  6. 的黎波里-温得和克跨中非公路

    Tripoli-Windhoek Trans-Central African Highway

  7. 所以,一旦抵达首都温得和克建造大型官邸,你可以跳进你的车,去吧!

    So , once arrived in Windhoek , you can just jump into your car and off you go .

  8. 《纳米比亚人报》访问了温得和克附近的饭店和酒吧,询问它们对于这项吸烟法的了解程度如何。

    The Namibian visited restaurants and bars around Windhoek to ask how informed they were with regard to the law .

  9. 在地图上的棕色圆圈标记在南部纳米比亚目的地之间,在首都温得和克建造大型官邸和南部边境橙色的河。

    The brown circles on the map mark the destinations in southern Namibia , between Windhoek and the southern border along the Orange River .

  10. 非洲大部分地区躲过了第一波流感,这意味着秋天疫情的爆发将残酷地灼烧整个大陆:金伯利、亚的斯亚贝巴和温得和克等城镇有超过4%的人口死于流感。

    Most of Africa had been spared the First Wave , meaning that the Autumn burst had cruelly scorched through the continent : towns like Kimberley , Addis Ababa , and Windhoek lost over 4 percent of their populations to flu .