
Wēn Gē Huá
  • Vancouver
  1. 他好像在1963年还是什么时候娶了当时的温哥华小姐。

    He married Miss Vancouver in 1963 , or whenever it was .

  2. 中药店,和传统的按摩师在温哥华的电话簿里

    Chinese herbal pharmacies , and traditional massage therapists in the Vancouver telephone book .

  3. 这位业余模特告诉《温哥华省报》记者,他在项目最开始的时候选择Gap服装店没有什么特别的原因。

    The amateur model told The Province that there was no special reason why he originally chose Gap for his project .

  4. 温哥华解放阵线是根据越南民族解放阵线(nationalliberationfrontofvietnam)命名的,我们当时和他们是有联系的。

    The Vancouver Liberation Front was named after the national liberation front of Vietnam , with whom we had contacts .

  5. 他首次来到加拿大,是1979年在温哥华的不列颠哥伦比亚大学(UniversityofBritishColumbia)做访问学者。

    He had his first taste of Canada as a visiting lecturer at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver in 1979 .

  6. JudyLao最近向《温哥华省报》(VancouverProvince)解释了,为什么她的婚宴没有上鱼翅。

    Judy Lao recently told the Vancouver Province why she didn 't have it at her reception .

  7. Song在温哥华说“我认为这是项大论文课题及巨大发现,而且在正确的方向上迈进一步”。

    " I think this is a great paper and a great finding and a very good step in the right direction ," Song said from Vancouver .

  8. TVGuide也了解到,本月早些时候在温哥华完成拍摄的《好医生》正在与当地政府沟通,要捐赠剧组内能用得上的物资。

    TV Guide has also learned that The Good Doctor , which wrapped production in Vancouver earlier this month , is in talks with the local government about donating any needed supplies from set .

  9. 一家美国电视公司NBCUniversal在转播温哥华冬奥会时损失了2.23亿美元,预计在伦敦奥运会也将入不敷出。

    NBC Universal , an American TV company , lost $ 223m broadcasting the Vancouver winter Olympics , and expects to lose money in London , too .

  10. 年仅5岁的钢琴天才RyanWang(王帅文)来自加拿大温哥华,已经在世界各国做过演出。

    5-year-old prodigy pianist Ryan Wang from Canada has performed all over the world and is set to perform with the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra in China this month .

  11. 加拿大本土至温哥华岛500kV交流海底电缆工程

    500 kV AC Submarine Cable Link from Mainland Canada to Vancouver Island

  12. 曾广智(TsengKwongChi)于1950年出生于香港,在温哥华和巴黎学习后于1978年来到美国。

    Born in Hong Kong in1950 , Tseng Kwong Chi arrived in New York in1978 , after studying in Vancouver and Paris .

  13. 温哥华英属哥伦比亚大学(UniversityofBritishColumbia)心理学助理教授安德鲁&12539;巴伦(AndrewBaron)说,很多以商业为重的语音识别技术所产生的信息都有可能是失真的。

    Andrew Baron , assistant professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver , says information produced by a lot of the commercially focused voice-recognition technology can be ' fuzzy . '

  14. 中国最大的电力公用事业公司国家电网(StateGrid)已同意出资至少9亿美元,与总部位于温哥华的QuadraMining携手开发智利一个大型铜矿床。

    State Grid , China 's biggest power utility , has agreed to spend at least US $ 900m (€ 660m , £ 599m ) to develop a large copper deposit in Chile in partnership with Vancouver-based Quadra Mining .

  15. 3月11日世界知名人力资源公司WilliamMercer公布了“世界城市适宜居住情况”的调查结果,瑞士的苏黎世位居榜首,去年排名首位的的温哥华和维也纳并列。

    A survey published on Monday shows Zurich as the world 's most desirable city in which to live , knocking last year 's winner Vancouver into a second place-tie with Vienna .

  16. 温哥华自由摄影师RichardLam被问到有没有去跟这对情侣说话时,说:没有,我还得留神注意自己的安全呢。

    I was trying not to get my ass kicked , says Vancouver freelance photojournalist Richard Lam , who took the photo , when asked if he 'd stopped to talk to the couple .

  17. 我们强大的团队包括了来自剑桥、Redmond、温哥华和中国的人们,一些团队成员还工作在德国和纽约。

    Our awesome team includes people in Cambridge , Redmond , Vancouver and China , and some team members operate from Germany and New York .

  18. 自由党国会议员陈卓愉(RaymondChan)代表着一个居住在温哥华郊区的大型华人群体。他表示,多数移民对移民安顿政策的关心程度超过了国内政治。

    Raymond Chan , a Liberal MP who represents a community with a big Chinese contingent on the outskirts of Vancouver , says that most immigrants are more concerned about settling in than domestic politics .

  19. 18岁的罗茜·莱克目前正在温哥华的卡普兰大学学习平面设计及插画,她在Tumblr上发布了一张照片,照片题为“评判”。

    Rosea Lake , 18 , who is studying graphic design and illustration at Capilano University in Vancouver , posted a photograph titled Judgements to her Tumblr account .

  20. “对于杨能否顺利开展临床实验是毫无疑问的”温哥华英国哥伦比亚大学关于治疗发现的国际合作组织主任JohnSteeves说道。

    " There is no doubt that he can run a clinical trial ," says John Steeves , director of the International Collaboration On Repair Discoveries at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver .

  21. 来自加拿大温哥华的学生辛施(HsinShih,音译)说,东京可能是最适合居住的地方,但京都是最适合学习的地方。辛施现年25岁。

    Tokyo might be the best place to live , but Kyoto is the best place to study , said Hsin Shih , 25 , a student from Vancouver , Canada .

  22. 华盛顿州温哥华市(Vancouver)ChoffyLLC公司的共同创始人詹森·舍伍德(JasonSherwood)表示,该公司出产的Choffy像烘焙咖啡一样,将100%的纯可可研磨成粉,烘焙出好味道——还是美妙的法式烘焙法。

    To drink your flavanols , Choffy is specially milled 100 % cocoa and roasted to taste good when brewed like coffee ─ ideally in a French press , says Jason Sherwood , co-founder of Choffy LLC , Vancouver , Wash .

  23. 数十年以后,加拿大温哥华水族馆的看守人描述了一头白鲸好像发叫出了他的名字:lagosi。

    Decades later , keepers at the Vancouver Aquarium in Canada described a beluga that seemed to utter his name , lagosi .

  24. 在维珍不为人知的地方,这家移动虚拟运营商(MVNO)已成为有助于开拓其它可能性的品牌。理查德爵士表示:我们刚刚开通了飞往温哥华的航班。以前事情往往是相反的。

    The mobile virtual network operator has become the brand that helps make other things possible where Virgin is not well known , he says : We just started flights to Vancouver .

  25. 莱坊驻伦敦住宅研究部全球负责人利亚姆&12539;贝利(LiamBailey)说,2008年银行危机爆发时,一大股资金浪潮涌入伦敦、纽约、悉尼和温哥华等城市进行投资。

    When the banking crisis kicked off in 2008 , a ' big wave of money ' flocked to investing in cities like London , New York , Sydney , and Vancouver , said Liam Bailey , global head of residential research at Knight Frank in London .

  26. 周三,居住在温哥华郊区的MatthewFane在推特上发了一张取件通知的照片,加拿大邮政的邮递员在通知上写下了无法投递的原因&门口有熊。

    Matthew Fane , from a Vancouver suburb , tweeted Wednesday a photo of a note left for him by a Canada Post worker indicating that the reason he was unable to drop off a parcel was because there was a ' bear at door . '

  27. 论述了温哥华Skytrain系统直线电机的技术特性、结构及主要技术参数,简述了直线电机车辆在世界上的应用情况,并展望了其在我国的应用前景。

    The technical characteristics , structures and parameters are described for the linear motor of the Skytrain system in Vancouver . The applications of linear motor vehicles in the world are presented and its development is viewed .

  28. 今天我们去温哥华捕蟹和钓鱼啦。

    Today we went to Vancover and went crabbing and fishing .

  29. 加拿大温哥华滨水区的可持续开发策略

    Strategies for sustainable development of riverside area in Vancouver , Canada

  30. 这两天温哥华的气温一直徘徊在8摄氏度左右。

    It has been hovering around eight degrees celsius in Vancouver .