
  • 网络Wenzhou University
  1. 现为温州大学副教授。

    He is an associate professor of Wenzhou University .

  2. 温州大学留学生必须住宿留学生公寓楼。

    Students who study at Wenzhou University need to stay at the International Student Dorm .

  3. 对于该调查结果,来自温州大学学生处的耿斌(音译)表示支持。

    Geng Bin , of the students affairs office at Wenzhou University , supports this finding .

  4. 本科鞋类设计(艺术类)实践教学模式&以温州大学鞋靴设计专业为例

    Teaching and Exercitation Model of Undergraduate Major ( Fine Arts ): Shoes Design Specialty of Wenzhou University

  5. 地方综合性大学转型发展中学科建设的重要性及其策略&以温州大学为例

    Importance and Strategies of Discipline Construction in Transformation of Local Comprehensive University & Take Wenzhou University as an Example

  6. 温州大学城是温州城市发展的战略选择。

    It is a strategic selection to the development of WenZhou , Zhejiang Province , to build WenZhou college city .

  7. 对当前高校心理咨询工作存在问题的探讨&基于对温州大学心理咨询工作现状的问卷调查

    On Present Problems of Psychological Consultations in the University & Based on the Survey in Questionnaire of Status of Psychological Consultations in Wenzhou University

  8. 全球化背景下地方高校国际化发展策略的思考&以温州大学为例国际大地测量地球物理学联合会

    Reflection on the Development Strategies of Internationalization for Local Institutions of Higher Learning in the Context of Globalization & Taking Wenzhou University as Example

  9. 温州大学学生处处长陈体銮(音译)说:名人们需要把校园讲座与商业性讲座区别开来。

    Some celebrities need to distinguish campus lectures from profitable ones , said Chen Tiling , director of the student affairs office at Wenzhou University .

  10. 高校图书馆开展中小企业信息服务的模式研究&以温州大学图书馆为例

    A Study on the Model of the University Library Information Services for the Local Small and Medium-sized Enterprises : Taking Wenzhou University Library as an Example

  11. 本研究调查了温州大学参加双语课学生学习策略的运用情况,着重研究双语课学生学习策略使用与双语课成绩,学科专业,性别与年级等因素之间的关系和影响。

    It focuses on examining the relationship between strategy use and such factors as achievements in learning of the bilingual courses , gender , disciplines , year of enrollment .

  12. 温州大学城市学院就是一个例子,说明在独立学院教育管理方式与地方经济和产业发展有机结合可以收到良好的效果。

    The writer takes the example of Wenzhou University Independent College to show that the education methods at coastal cities integrate well with the local economy and industry development and result well .

  13. 温州大学瓯江学院老师杨雄(音译)认为,如果学生们确实需要,学校有义务向他们提供可供课余时间学习的场所。

    Yang Xiong , a teacher from Oujiang College of Wenzhou University , argues that schools are obliged to offer students places to study in their spare time if they truly need them .

  14. 第三章,对当前我国大学生创业的现状及问题展开论述,并以天津大学、温州大学为例,详细介绍了当前我国高校大学生创业教育的开展情况。

    Chapter III , on the current status of college students and business issues discussed , and Tianjin University , Wenzhou University , details of our current business education college students to carry out the situation .

  15. 美国新泽西州肯恩大学与位于东部浙江省的温州大学成立了温州肯恩大学,今年该所大学将招收500名本科生,较去年的300人有所增加。

    Wenzhou-Kean University , a college founded by Kean University in the U.S. state of New Jersey and Wenzhou University in the eastern province of Zhejiang , has admitted 500 undergraduate students this year , up from 300 last year .

  16. 数字视频演播室是在计算机图形和视频色键基础上发展起来的演播室技术.介绍了温州大学数字视频演播室的系统结构及在运动会专题报道中的应用情况。

    Digital Video Studio is a studio technology deriving from the computer graphics and the video chroma key . This paper introduces the infrastructure of Digital Video Studio in Wenzhou University and its application in the topic report about sports meet .

  17. 最近,温州医科大学的一只因在教室里“努力学习“的狗狗成为了当地的明星。

    A dog recently became a local celebrity within Wenzhou Medical University for its " hard work " in the classroom .

  18. 温州医科大学的一位发言人表示,学校计划为这只“大学的宠物“提供住所和食物。

    A spokesperson for Wenzhou Medical University said the school plans to provide a residence and food for the " university 's pet . "

  19. 由于山东省的申请人数,温州肯恩大学把山东的分数线提高了20分。

    Wenzhou Kean University raised the scores for applicants from the eastern province of Shandong , where many students were applying , by 20 points .

  20. 高校学分制收费管理制度个案研究&以温州广播电视大学为例

    Research on the Case of Charge Management System of Credit System in Colleges and Universities Taking Wenzhou TV and Radio University for Example