
  • 网络winnipeg;Winnipeg,MB;YWG
  1. 在她五岁的时候。有一天,她和妈妈在温尼伯市中心散步。

    One day , when she was five years old , she was walking with her mother in downtown Winnipeg .

  2. 温尼伯有一个叫"汉娜之家"的紧急避难所,汉娜对此感到非常自豪。

    There is an emergency shelter in Winnipeg called " Hannah ` s Place " , something that Hannah is very proud of .

  3. 尽管如此,汉娜仍然过着温尼伯女学生的生活,只是她经常去看望无家可归的人。

    But through all this , Hannah still has the through life of a Winnipeg schoolgirl , except that she pays regular visits to homeless people .

  4. 该疫苗实际上是由加拿大公共卫生署(PublicHealthAgencyofCanada)在温尼伯研发的。

    The vaccine was actually produced in Winnipeg by the Public Health Agency of Canada .

  5. 协调贸易与发展的温尼伯原则促进WTO将环境措施融入了多边贸易体系之中。

    Winnipeg Principles have promoted WTO to integrate the environment measures into the multilateral trade system .

  6. LEED认证与MEC温尼伯零售连锁店设计

    LEED Rating and Winnipeg Retail Chain Store Design for MEC

  7. 加拿大温尼伯大学的生物学家CraigWillis从事蝙蝠研究,他表示自己也被治疗的成功所鼓舞。

    Biologist Craig Willis , who studies bats at the University of Winnipeg in Canada , says he 's encouraged by the success .

  8. 加拿大温尼伯格大学(UniversityofWinnipeg)心理学助理教授杰瑞米•弗利默(JeremyFrimer)认为,从积极的方面想事情并期待良好的结果是英雄的另一个特征。

    A tendency to frame events positively and expect good outcomes is another hallmark of heroes , says Jeremy Frimer , an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Winnipeg .

  9. 温尼伯体育场附近河城体育(RiverCitySports)商店的经理乔•温特(JoeWendt)表示,加拿大的女子球服在比赛期间卖得非常好——但只是平常男足球服销量的一半而已。

    Joe Wendt , manager of a River City Sports store near Winnipeg 's stadium , said Canadian women 's football apparel has sold well during the tournament - but only about half as well as gear for men 's teams usually does .

  10. 据《周日人民报》报道,门多萨动物园5个月前曾拒绝将Arturo转移至加拿大温尼伯的阿西尼玻公园动物园,该公园动物园内新建了一个国际北极熊保护中心。

    Mendoza Zoo blocked an effort five months ago to move Assiniboine Park Zoo in Winnipeg , Canada - where a new International Polar Bear Conservation Centre is located , reported the Sunday People .

  11. 在美国队首场比赛时,纽约和洛杉矶的体育酒吧里挤满了人,而在加拿大的埃德蒙顿(Edmonton)和温尼伯(Winnipeg)两座城市中,球迷们正排着蜿蜒数百米的长队苦等数小时,只为了得到纪念T恤和帽子。

    Sports bars in New York and Los Angeles filled up for the first US game , while lineups for merchandise at games in Edmonton and Winnipeg snaked hundreds of meters as fans stood for hours to get a t-shirt or hat .

  12. 8月26日,这起意外事故发生在一架从加拿大首都渥太华飞往该国马尼托巴省温尼伯市的民航班机上。

    The incident occurred aboard a flight from Ottawa to Winnipeg Saturday .

  13. 加拿大国家微生物学实验室,温尼伯,加拿大

    The Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory . Winnipeg , Canada

  14. 所以他叫维尼他来自温尼伯,简称维尼

    It 's Winnie . Short for where he comes from . Winnipeg .

  15. 如梅:大山,让我们在温尼伯给你庆贺生日,你看怎么样?

    Rumei : Dashan , let 's celebrate your birthday in Winnipeg . Okay ?

  16. 本次航班到达温尼伯的飞行时间是45分钟。

    Our flying time to Winnipeg is45 minutes .

  17. 贸易可持续发展:温尼伯原则解析

    Sustainable International Trade : Analysis on Winnipeg Principles

  18. 那是维尼,温尼伯的简称

    that 's Winnie , short for Winnipeg .

  19. 加拿大温尼伯的加拿大国家微生物学实验室和安哥拉威热的现场试验室

    Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory , Winnipeg , Canada and field laboratory in Uige , Angola

  20. 好,下一个节目是来自,哦,温尼伯湖。

    All right , our next act is in town from , uh , winnipeg .

  21. 这是曼尼托巴省温尼伯湖东岸景观

    In Manitoba , this is an image from the east side of Lake Winnipeg ,

  22. 我住在温尼伯,加拿大,是一个您的每周时事通讯的订购者。

    I live in Winnipeg , Canada and am a subscriber to your weekly newsletter .

  23. 温尼伯商品结算有限公司这种无知是无耻的商业冒险者的温床。

    Winnipeg Commodity Clearing Limited This ignorance provides ideal terrain for every sort of unscrupulous commercial venture .

  24. 她妈妈给温尼伯速度滑冰俱乐部打电话,得知那里有一个春季训练营。

    Her mother called the Winnipeg Speed Skating Club and found out there was a spring training camp .

  25. 开车去上班,通过崎岖的东北前寒武纪盾温尼伯,他撞上了巨大的驼鹿。

    Driving to work through the rugged Precambrian Shield northeast of Winnipeg , he collided with an enormous moose .

  26. 我最初是在加拿大的皇家温尼伯芭蕾舞学校学练芭蕾舞的,并从此开始了以舞蹈和表演为主的职业体育运动生涯。

    My professional sports career concentrates on dancing and acting and began by practicing ballet at the Royal Winnipeg Ballet School in canada .

  27. 一排沉重的运货车隆隆地向北行驶在温尼伯山路上,由八头一组的牛拖着,车夫们在一旁走着(加里森·谢勒)

    A train of heavy wagons rumbled north on the Winnipeg Trail , drawn by octets of oxen , the drovers walking alongside ( Garrison Keillor )

  28. 温尼伯加拿大马尼托巴省省会和最大城市,位于此省东南部雷德河和阿西尼伯因河交汇处。

    The capital and largest city of Manitoba , Canada , in the southeast part of the province at the confluence of the Red and Assiniboine rivers .

  29. 在温尼伯圣邦尼菲斯大学学院任教的阿根廷教授费尔南达·阿伦特森已向政府和加拿大驻布宜诺斯艾利斯大使馆写信反映该问题。

    Argentinian professor Fernanda Arentsen , who teaches at Universit é de Saint-Boniface in Winnipeg , has written to her government and the Canadian Embassy in Buenos Aires over the issue .

  30. 温尼伯原则涉及到贸易与环境、公平性及国际合作等内容,提出以可持续发展为目的,在国际范围内制定协调性的贸易、环境和发展政策。

    The Winnipeg Principles involve trade and environment , equity and international cooperation . Aiming at achieving sustainable development , it advocates the international policy should reconcile trade , environment and development .