
  • 网络QUETTA
  1. 但我们也没有完全与美国合作,ISI继续为塔利班战士提供武力补给,并在奎达为塔利班领导人提供庇护。

    But we weren 't exactly cooperating as the ISI was still arming Taliban fighters and giving their leaders sanctuary in Quetta .

  2. 经济合作组织奎达行动计划

    Quetta Plan of Action for the Economic Cooperation Organizatio

  3. 奎达的警方说,他们在这个城市外围封锁了道路,搜查过往的车辆。

    Quetta police say they sealed roads out of the city and searched cars .

  4. 绑架发生在奎达地区,那里是巴基斯坦俾路支省的首府。

    The kidnapping occurred in Quetta , the regional capital of Pakistan 's Balochistan province .

  5. 俾路支省首府奎达,是不遗余力的冲击力,但也有伤亡。

    Balochistan 's capital , Quetta , was spared the brunt of the force , but there were injuries .

  6. 2010年03月21日西班牙旅游部长马斯奎达近日表示,西班牙首都马德里将承办这届欧洲音乐电视颁奖典礼。

    2010-03-21 The Spanish capital city of Madrid will host the MTV European Music Awards , it was announced recently .

  7. 在巴基斯坦还有另一个录像正在流传。录像显示五名俄罗斯人在西南部城市奎达被打死。

    There is also another video circulating in Pakistan which shows the shooting deaths of five Russian nationals near the southwestern City of Quetta .

  8. 袭击发生在奎达市,临近什叶派穆斯林地区,这起袭击如近几个月发生的多起袭击一样,目标为强硬的逊尼派武装组织。

    The attack occurred in a Shiah Muslim neighborhood in the city of Quetta , which has been targeted several times in recent months by hardline Sunnite militants .

  9. 巴基斯坦和印度的城市,如奎达市和坎普尔市,还有博茨瓦那首都哈博罗内,污染水平也排在前列。

    Cities in Pakistan and India , such as Quetta and Kanpur , as well as Botswana 's capital Gaborone , also ranked high on the pollution scale .

  10. 周六晚上,巴基斯坦南部城市奎达一市场区遭遇炸弹袭击,造成至少58人死亡,另有176余人受伤。

    At least 58 people were killed and over 176 others injured when a blast hit a market area in Pakistan 's southwest city of Quetta on Saturday evening .

  11. 正是这种推理,让伟大的犹太神秘主义者伊茨霍克·本·列维拉比在阿奎达可特赛马场上,连续五十二天赌马赢了翻倍,到头来却要靠救济生活。

    It was reasoning like this that led Rabbi Yitzhok Ben Levi , the great Jewish mystic , to hit the double at Aqueduct fifty-two days running and still wind up on relief .