
  • 网络Sukkur;Sukur
  1. 帕慕克先生计划于明年开放他自己的“纯真博物馆”,地点在老城苏库尔库玛区,那是一个伊斯坦布尔古玩集散地。

    Mr Pamuk plans to open his own Museum of Innocence next year in Cukurcuma , an Istanbul antiques quarter .

  2. 苏库尔地区的政府高级官员伊纳穆拉·达雷乔说,政府正努力为受灾民众搭建救援帐篷,供给食品。

    A senior government official in Sukkur , Inamullah Dhareejo , said authorities were working to set up relief camps in the district and deliver food to flood victims .

  3. “我们能够摆脱洪水,但是饥饿也许会杀死我们。”40岁的霍拉麦说,他和其他数百人一同坐在苏库尔一条雨水浸泡的道路上。

    " We were able to escape the floodwaters , but hunger may kill us ," said Hora Mai , 40 , sitting on a rain-soaked road in Sukkur along with hundreds of other people .