
  • 网络kratos
  1. 奎托斯:死亡才正是我旅程的起点。

    Kratos : my death is what began this journey .

  2. 奎托斯:回到斯巴达,作好战斗准备。

    Kratos : Return to Sparta and prepare for battle .

  3. 奎托斯:不,雅典娜。你为什么要牺牲你自己。

    Kratos : athena ! No ! Why do you sacrifice yourself ?

  4. 那一刻,奎托斯明白自己的命运中已无卡利俄珀的存在。

    At that moment , Kratos knew his destiny was not with Calliope .

  5. 奎托斯:神是可怜卑微的,你的教条是虚弱无力的。

    Kratos : the gods are petty and pathetic and your rule is weak .

  6. 奎托斯,没有人能改变自己的命运。

    None , can change their destiny kratos .

  7. 讲述者:但是还有更多奎托斯所不知道的肩负的东西。

    Narrator : But there was more resting on Kratos'shoulders than he could know .

  8. 奎托斯:我不会臣服任何人。

    Kratos : I serve no one !

  9. 奎托斯:一个来自神的选择好比神自身一样:一无是处。

    Kratos : a choice from the gods is as useless as the gods themselves .

  10. 奎托斯:我还要去找宙斯了断。看来我在奥林巴斯山上仍然有盟友。

    Kratos : I am going after zeus ! It seems I still have allies on olympus .

  11. 奎托斯;我也希望你将是我遇到的最后一个命运女神的奴才。

    Kratos : And you are the last one I would expect to become a servant of the Fates .

  12. 他征服了潘多拉神殿的底层,但是那上面等着他的才是奎托斯真正的挑战。

    He conquered the lower floors of Pandoras Temple , but what lay in wait above would detest even Kratos .

  13. 讲述者:但是一切都有他的起源,奎托斯曾经是一名神佑的勇士

    Narrator : But it had not always been this way , Kratos had once been a champion of the gods

  14. 讲述者:作为最年轻也是最英勇的斯巴达统帅,奎托斯总是能激发部众们那狂热的战斗欲望和忠诚心。

    Narrator : The youngest and boldest captain in the Spartan army , Kratos had inspired fierce loyalty in his men .

  15. 不带任何的怜悯,奎托斯把笼子放了上去并且扳动了杠杆,让那些烈火烧透了士兵的身体。

    Without mercy , Kratos placed the cage on the switch and pulled the lever , sending scorching flames through the soldiers body .

  16. 斯巴达统帅:奎托斯殿下!另一个城池即将沦陷;假以时日所有人都会感知斯巴达人的荣耀!

    Spartan Captain : My Lord Kratos ! Another city is ready to fall ; soon all shall know the glory of Sparta !

  17. 旁白者:在击败战神阿瑞斯之后,曾经是凡人战士的奎托斯,成了新一代的战神。尽管如此,他在奥林巴斯饱受众神孤立,倍感孤独。

    Narrator : by defeating ares , kratos , the once mortal warrior became the new God of war . however , Kratos soon found himself alone on olympus , shunned by his fellow gods .