
wáng hóu
  • A prince;the nobility;princes and marquises
王侯 [wáng hóu]
  • [the nobility;princes and marquises] 王爵和侯爵,也泛指显赫的爵位

王侯[wáng hóu]
  1. 德沃金在《法律帝国》一书中,把法官比作法律帝国的王侯。

    Dworkin compared Judge to the nobility in the law 's empire in his book Law 's Empire .

  2. 诗篇》里有一句话闪过帕格的脑海:“不要相信王侯。

    A verse from Psalms knifed into Pug 's mind : " put not your trust in princes . " 《

  3. 小市民想和大富翁比比豪华,农夫的儿子花钱像个王侯,这不足为奇。

    No wonder , when the little shop man tries to match the splendor5 of the Provost 's board . And Hodge the farmer 's son spends money like a lord .

  4. TS活瓷乾坤杯,是以战国至两汉时期王侯御用的玉杯为设计元素。

    The design of CTS liven china cup is based on the aristocratic jade cup between warring states and Han dynasty .

  5. 王侯们不远万里,只为与爱格娜享一夜之欢。

    Kings traveled across the world for a night with Irogenia .

  6. 劝谏王侯,无疑地是个易操作的工具。

    Advise the prince ; no doubt , an easy tool .

  7. 亦或与王侯散步而不露谄媚之颜;

    Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch ;

  8. 王侯将我们戏弄;相比之下。

    Princes do but play us ; compared to this .

  9. 他叙述他那胜似王侯的生活。

    He told him of the feudal state in which he lived .

  10. 古代不列颠或威尔士的王侯首领。

    The supreme war chief of the ancient Britons .

  11. 具有或适合于王侯(或王子)地位的。

    Having the rank of or befitting a prince .

  12. 它吹过低矮的屋檐,王侯的高墙

    It blows through the low eaves , the high walls of the princes

  13. 大王候夫人大王妃;印度公主或王侯的妻子。

    A great rani ; a princess in India or the wife of a maharaja .

  14. 王侯或王子统治的区域。

    Territory ruled by a prince .

  15. 隐逸作为中国古代一个较为特殊的阶层特别引人注目,他们以不事王侯,高尚其事的社会价值观和行为趋向,在很长一段时间内为人们所称颂。

    As a more special class of Chinese ancient society , the anchorite were particularly striking class .

  16. 历史详细纪录王侯的庶子名,却无法告诉我们小麦的起源。

    History records the names of royal bastards , but cannot tell us the origin of wheat .

  17. 根据威廉的言行举止判断,你会以为他大概是王侯贵族出身的。

    From the way William talks and behaves you 'd think he was born to the purple or something .

  18. 数千年来,赛马一直是一项活跃在王侯与平民之间的运动。

    For thousands of years , horse racing has flourished as the sport of kings and of the common man .

  19. 他使王侯化为乌有,叫地上士绅成为虚无。

    He that bringeth the searchers of secrets to nothing , that hath made the judges of the earth as vanity .

  20. 法官依靠经验规则、逻辑规则和自己的良知这三样法宝,扮演着法律帝国的王侯。

    Judge rules rely on rules of thumb , logic and his conscience these three magic weapons , played the raja of legal empire .

  21. 查理五世(1519-1556年在位)因其拥有数十个王侯头衔和统治着地域广袤的帝国而著称。

    The emperor of Charles V ( reigned from 1519 to 1556 ) was known of owning dozens of princely titles and the domination of huge empire .

  22. 是谁策划了这事,来反对加过冕的提洛?她的商贾本来都是王侯,商贩本来都是地上的显要。

    Who hath taken this counsel against Tyre , that was formerly crowned , whose merchants were princes , and her traders the nobles of the earth ?

  23. 她因财富、美貌和才智闻名天下,王侯贵族的求婚者都渴望娶到她。

    So well-known was she for her wealth , her beauty , and her gifts of mind , that many princely and noble suitors wished to marry her .

  24. 当他在政治上遭受打击,抑郁不得志时,道家愤世嫉俗、返于自然的思想就在他身上占了主导地位,其作品就表现出放浪形骸的反叛精神,蔑视人间的一切,浮云富贵,粪土王侯。

    When he was frustrated by the unfulfilment of his political ambitions , the Taoist loftiness and retreat in him prevailed and his poems affected a wild and free persona .

  25. 第一章主要对汉代宗室王侯的犯罪进行归纳分类,按照罪行的不同性质,划分为政治犯罪、伦理犯罪、刑事犯罪三大类,这三类罪行几乎囊括了所有汉代宗室王侯的违法行为。

    In the first chapter , the crimes committed by royal vassals are categorized into three types : political crime , ethical crimes , criminal offence , which including nearly all the illegal behaviors conducted by the royal clans .

  26. 中国很早就有稷神崇拜与祭祀的传统,而且为历代统治者所重视和推行,上自宫廷皇帝、王侯,下至县乡官吏、百姓无不尊而从之。

    In China Setaria italica Beauv . had a long tradition of worship and sacrifice , which was attached importance and implementation by rulers . The princes and monarchs from the court down to the county and township officials and the people all followed with .