
  1. 王景荣和他的合作者的演出,实验在国家高磁场实验室的DC领域的设施。

    Ong and his collaborators performed the experiment at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory 's DC Field Facility .

  2. 东南亚国家联盟(ASEAN,东盟)秘书长王景荣(OngKengYong)昨天表示,东盟已达成原则协议,将加快速度,到2015年创建一个单一市场,比预定时间提前5年。

    The Association of South-East Asian Nations has agreed in principle to speed efforts to create a single market by 2015 , five years ahead of schedule , Ong Keng Yong , its secretary-general , said yesterday .

  3. “现代的时代,电脑和电信的进步,有赖于在固体物理,”王景荣说。

    " The modern era of computing and telecommunications rests on advances in solid state physics ," Ong said .

  4. 我已要求我的朋友给予帮助星期三王景荣为爵士乐的电脑设备报价。

    I have asked my friend PT Ong to help give quote for the computer equipments for Jazz . I copied thee-mail to you .

  5. 见证什么物理学家称之为“集体的国家”,该小组看到了什么王景荣形容为一个奇观的性质。

    By witnessing what physicists call a " collective state ," the team saw what Ong described as one of the wonders of nature .

  6. “在追求发展以往任何时候都小,更快的晶体管,物理学家和工程师正在试图利用量子行为的电子,”王景荣说。

    " In the quest to develop ever smaller and faster transistors , physicists and engineers are attempting to harness the quantum behavior of electrons ," Ong said .