
  • Wang Jie;Jeremie Waterman;Wang Chieh;Dave Wang
  1. 王杰:这段经历对我很重要。

    Wang Jie : It was a very important experience for me .

  2. 他就是王杰,一个陪伴了无数人成长的情歌王子。

    He is Wang Jie , has accompanied love song prince who the innumerable people grow .

  3. 据财新报道,王杰被捅至重伤,起初有生命危险,周一中午12点左右才脱险。

    Mr Wang 's condition was initially life-threatening but had stabilised by midday on Monday , according to Caixin .

  4. 上周日,王杰在与投资者开会、汇报追回损失资金的最新进展时被捅伤。

    Mr Wang was meeting with investors on Sunday to update them on efforts to recoup lost funds when he was stabbed .

  5. 在近年来的研究中,王杰有意识地将其美学理论和民族审美、民族文化结合起来,并取得了丰硕成果。

    In his researches done in recent years , Wang Jie has consciously combined his aesthetical theory with national aesthetics and national culture and has scored great successes .

  6. 如果从90年代就开始炒股,你就会多次经历过这种暴跌,不会被这次的吓倒,退休工程师王杰(音译)说道。

    If you have been investing since the 1990s , you have seen these slumps several times and will not be scared away by this , said Wang Jie , a retired engineer .

  7. 同月,王杰还曾另外致信河北省政府官员,指出河北融投未能履行5家公司贷款的违约担保责任,涉及2.27亿元人民币贷款,影响环球巨富660位投资者。

    Mr Wang also wrote separately to Hebei officials that same month , noting that Hebei Financing had failed to honour guarantees on loan defaults by five companies worth Rmb227m and affecting 660 investors in Global Wealth products .