
chénɡ yuán ɡuó
  • member state;state member
  1. 从WTO的宗旨目标看,WTO与成员国政府的宗旨目标是一致的。

    From the point of view of WTO 's purpose , the purpose of WTO is in consistent with that of its member state .

  2. WTO确立的关税减让、国民待遇、透明度等原则与成员国的税收法律制度密切相关。

    The principles of tariff reduction , treatment of citizens , transparency , etc. which are established by WTO , are closely associated with tax law system of every member state .

  3. 各成员国的官员均享有某些特权和豁免权。

    Officials of all member states receive certain privileges and immunities .

  4. 欧盟国家的公民现在可以在成员国之间自由旅行。

    EU citizens can now travel freely between member states .

  5. 这个条约得到了所有成员国的批准。

    The treaty was ratified by all the member states .

  6. 欧盟主席一职由其成员国轮流担任。

    The EU presidency rotates among the members .

  7. 各成员国在使彼此经济协调一致的进程上会有多大进展?

    How far will members have progressed towards harmonising their economies ?

  8. 该委员会将对联合国的成员国采用环境记录卡制。

    This commission would keep environmental scorecards on UN member nations .

  9. 联合国大会对5个新成员国的加入表示了欢迎。

    The General Assembly welcomed five new members to its ranks .

  10. 西班牙对来自非成员国的进口农产品征税。

    Spain imposed levies on farm imports from non-member states .

  11. 戈尔巴乔夫没能把苏联各成员国团结在一起。

    Gorbachev failed to keep the component parts of the Soviet Union together

  12. 接下来的危机让联合国各成员国都很担忧。

    The next crisis sent a shudder of fear through the UN community

  13. 石油输出国组织的每个成员国都寻求最大限度地提高本国石油产量。

    Each member of OPEC would seek to maximize its own production .

  14. 大多数成员国均已立法禁止超时加班。

    Most member countries have already legislated against excessive overtime

  15. 欧洲成员国害怕会打乱各政治利益集团间的微妙平衡。

    The European members are afraid of upsetting the delicate balance of political interests

  16. 欧共体12个成员国之间的意见不合导致他们无法采取统一的行动。

    Disagreements among the twelve EC countries prevented them from taking any concerted action

  17. 英国是北大西洋公约组织的正式成员国。

    Britain is a full member of NATO .

  18. 35个成员国同意采取该措施。

    The thirty-five member nations agreed to the move

  19. 已经努力迫使成员国制定具有重大金融意义的决策。

    Attempts have been made to bounce member states into decisions with major financial implications .

  20. 欧洲货币危机引起的连锁反应仍在影响着大多数的成员国。

    The ripples of Europe 's currency crisis continue to be felt in most of the member states

  21. 在一月最后期限前联合国180个成员国只有18个缴纳了会费。

    Only 18 of the UN 's 180 members had paid their dues by the January deadline .

  22. 几周前,我曾向欧盟成员国提议我们应该和美国人进行磋商。

    Some weeks ago I recommended to EU member states that we should have discussions with the Americans .

  23. 该联盟的每一位成员国都同意采取其认为必要的行动,包括动用武力。

    Each member of the alliance agrees to take such action as it deems necessary , including the use of armed force

  24. 关贸总协定的成员国已大体上同意在全球贸易中用竞争性的自由市场体制取代代价高且效率低的保护主义政策。

    GATT member countries have largely agreed to replace expensive and inefficient protectionist policies with a competitive free market system for world trade .

  25. 正在对欧盟各成员国首都作短暂访问的托尼·布莱尔今晚将飞抵都柏林,届时伯蒂·埃亨将设工作晚宴予以款待。

    Bertie Ahern will host a working dinner for Tony Blair tonight as he jets into Dublin on a whistle-stop tour of EU capitals .

  26. 一些成员国担心德国可能于星期四提高利率,那有可能导致其与美国发生冲突。

    Some members feared Germany might raise its interest rates on Thursday . That could have set the scene for a confrontation with the US .

  27. 法国与其他欧盟成员国要求削减国家借贷的意见相左,因而受到它们的孤立,与它们闹得不可开交。

    France was left isolated and at loggerheads with other EU member countries over its refusal to fall into line with demands to cut state borrowing .

  28. 成员国必须履行条约所规定的义务。

    It is necessary for the member states to fulfil their obligations under the treaty .

  29. 中国是五个安理会成员国之一。

    China is one of the five permanent member states of the UN Security council .

  30. GDDS适用于IMF所有成员国,而SDDS适合那些已经或正在寻求与国际市场接轨的国家。

    At the same time , it will help " enhance the level of China 's participation3 in global economic cooperation " . The GDDS applies to all IMF members , while the SDDS applies to member countries that have or are seeking access to international markets .