
  • 网络Rite;rite of passage;Bar Mitzvah;Adult ceremony;initiation
  1. “战神”奥瑟罗是“荷马式英雄”的精神后代,在剧中经历的就是这么一个成人仪式。

    Tempted by love , a symbol of the new epoch , Othello , a Homeric hero , a god of war , metaphorically participates in an initiation into the emerging new civilization , not without agony and suffering .

  2. 本部分通过对仪式的分类来理解高校学位授予仪式,并且将学位授予仪式与成人仪式、宗教仪式、毕业典礼等仪式加以区别,进而说明学位授予仪式所独具的特点。

    The part will use ceremony classification to understand degree awarding ceremony , and distinguish degree awarding ceremony from adult ceremony , religion ceremony , and graduation ceremony and so on .

  3. 精美的绘画19世纪,德裔美国社区开始使用德文尖角字体(fraktur)装点各种成人仪式的页面。

    For 19th-century German-American communities , painted pages known as fraktur marked rites of passage .

  4. 这是我十三岁成人仪式派对。

    It 's my Bat Mitzvah party . I 'm 13 .

  5. 我忘记成人仪式了。

    Zuba : I forgot about the rite of passage .

  6. 简直是斯莫维尔的成人仪式。

    It 's like a rite of passage in smallville .

  7. 10分钟后还要去个犹太男孩成人仪式

    gotta get to a bar mitzvah in 10 minutes .

  8. 成人仪式:从生活教育到政治教育

    Adulthood Ceremony : from Life Education to Political Education

  9. 亚力克斯:什么?成人仪式是什么?

    Alex : What is it ? What 's this rite of passage ?

  10. 家伙让我觉得,好像“我晚上要为女孩子们在成人仪式上跳月球漫步。”

    Those guys made me want to , like ," I 'm going to do that moonwalk at that bar mitzvah tonight for that girl . "

  11. 活动策划&从计划公司活动到计划成人仪式,活动策划虽然工作量很大但是它提供的报酬也很丰厚。

    Event planning & From planning corporate events to bar mitzvahs , an event planning business can require plenty of work and offer plenty of pay .

  12. 直到近十年或二十年,他说,学校官员和家长往往还认为,欺凌现象基本上是在童年的成人仪式之前。

    Until the past decade or two , he said , school officials and parents often believed that bullying was essentially a rite of passage in childhood .

  13. 我们必须消除认为欺凌是一种正常的成人仪式,是成长过程中不可避免的一部分这种荒谬观点。

    We 've got to dispel the myth that bullying is just a normal rite of passage & that it 's some inevitable part of growing up .

  14. 《高老头》的结尾,既是高里奥的“安葬仪式”,也是拉斯蒂涅的精神“成人仪式”。

    The end of Old Goriot is not only a " burial ceremony " of Goriot , but also it is a " adulthood ceremony " of Rastignac 's idea .

  15. 对于勇士,进入成人的仪式得要冒险。

    The ceremonial passage into manhood involves risk for the warrior .