
kā sī tè dònɡ xué
  • karst cave
  1. 江苏茅山喀斯特洞穴发育特征

    Characteristics of karst cave development in Maoshan area , jiangsu Province

  2. 试论湖南境内喀斯特洞穴发育及成矿特征

    Karst cave development and mineral deposit features in Hunan boundary

  3. 贵州喀斯特洞穴空间数据库建立与应用

    Establishment and application of spatial database for karst cave in Guizhou

  4. 济南南部山区喀斯特洞穴特征

    Characteristics of Karstic Caves in Southern Mountain Areas of Jinan City

  5. 中国南方上震旦统灯影组中的古喀斯特洞穴磷块岩

    Paleokarst Cave Phosphorites of the Upper Sinian Dengying Formation in Southern China

  6. 云南喀斯特洞穴型旅游目的地生命周期调控机制研究

    Control mechanism study on lifecycle of karst cave in Yunnan

  7. 斯洛文尼亚和中国贵州喀斯特洞穴动物群的比较研究

    Comparison on fauna in karst caves between Slovenia and guizhou , China

  8. 黄果树喀斯特洞穴群苔藓植物群落

    The bryophytes communities in karst caves of huangguoshu , guizhou , china

  9. 贵州省喀斯特洞穴旅游资源及开发建议

    Tourism Resource and the Development Suggestions of Karst Cave in Guizhou Province

  10. 喀斯特洞穴文化体系构建及旅游开发价值评价

    Establishment of Karst Cave Cultural System and Evaluation of Karst Tourism Values

  11. 贵州喀斯特洞穴信息系统研制与应用

    Design and Application of Karst Cave Information System of Guizhou

  12. 喀斯特洞穴旅游资源资产化研究

    The Capitalization Study on the Tourism Resources of Karst Caves

  13. 中国东都喀斯特洞穴沉积物铀系年代

    The U-series ages of speleothem of karst caves in the east of China

  14. 贵州喀斯特洞穴探险具有较大的市场发展潜力。

    The caving in Guizhou has great market potential .

  15. 喀斯特洞穴生态系统浅析

    The concise analysis of ecosystem in Karst caves

  16. 鲁中南地区喀斯特洞穴旅游资源的初步评价

    Preliminary evaluation of karst cave resources for tourist industry in Central - Southern Shandong

  17. 吉林省喀斯特洞穴的基础研究

    Basic Researches on Karst Caves in Jilin Province

  18. 喀斯特洞穴叠层石及其沉积模式

    Stromatolites of karst cave and their depositional model

  19. 喀斯特洞穴旅游开发

    A study on tourist development of karst caves

  20. 山东土门喀斯特洞穴的发育演化及其意义

    Development of karst caves in the Tumen region of Shandong Province and its significance

  21. 三峡地区喀斯特洞穴及动物群

    An analysis of the karst cave and mammalian fauna in three gorges , Changjiang River

  22. 贵州喀斯特洞穴探险潜力研究

    Research of Karst Caving Potential in Guizhou

  23. 桂林喀斯特洞穴景观的生态环境现状及其保护研究

    The study on the current situation of Guilin 's Karst Cave landscape and its protection

  24. 第二节主要回顾贵州喀斯特洞穴探险的发展历史,指出贵州洞穴探险的发展机遇;

    Part two review the history of Guizhou karst cave exploring , and point out the development opportunities ;

  25. 以第三纪为主要发育阶段的古喀斯特洞穴在数量上占明显优势。

    In quantity , the old karst caves occupy a dominant position , which mainly grew in Tertiary period .

  26. 从结构上来讲,它是由喀斯特洞穴物态文化层、行为文化层和心态文化层有机耦合而成。

    In the terms of structure , it is formed integrating physical culture , behavior culture and mental culture .

  27. 特类喀斯特洞穴旅游生命周期探讨&以云南建水燕子洞为例

    A study on the life cycle of special karst cave with a case of Jianshui Swallow Cave in Yunnan Province

  28. 本文对桂林喀斯特洞穴目前的生态环境现状进行了评述并对其保护措施进行了研究。

    The thesis makes a study on the eco-environmental situation of the Karst Cave landscape and the protection of it .

  29. 喀斯特洞穴是喀斯特地貌的重要组成部分,在地质营力溶蚀,侵蚀和崩塌作用下形成。

    Karst cave , an important component of karst geomorphology , is formed by geological agent corrosion , erosion and collapse .

  30. 本文首先简要概括了鲁中南地区喀斯特洞穴的分布及发育状况,指出较大的洞穴多发育在中奥陶统地层中;

    The paper gives a brief account of the distribution and the development of karst caves in the region of central-southern Shandong .