
  • 网络cultural politics;culture politics;politics of culture
  1. 论台湾文艺联盟活动之文化政治意义

    Cultural Politics Significance in Activities of Taiwan Literature and Art Workers Union

  2. 文化政治学:民俗学的新走向?

    Cultural Politics : A New Trend of Folklore ?

  3. 第三,文化政治的自我发现与建设;方法:结合文献复习并报告1例HSP-TCC患者的临床和影像学表现。

    Methods : Relevant refrences were reviewed in combination with the report of both the clinical and magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) finding of a patient with HSP-TCC .

  4. 翻译:一种文化政治行为&20世纪50年代中国译介《牛虻》之现象透析

    Translation as a Cultural and Political Act : The Gadfly in China

  5. 翻译的文化政治走向政治文明

    The Cultural Politics of Translation Towards Political Civilization

  6. 论现代管理与思想政治工作的互动第四,文化政治的政治运作。对动作的认知

    On the Mutual Actions of the Modern Management and the Ideological - Political Work

  7. 翻译:一种文化政治行为

    Translation : A Cultural - Political Act

  8. 文化政治:花木兰形象的后现代改写与接受&《女勇士》再思考

    Culture Politics : Hua Mulan 's Postmodern Adaptation and Reception A Reread of The Woman Warrior

  9. 翻译的文化政治

    The Cultural Politics of Translation

  10. 为了摆脱这种尴尬局面,使民俗学研究走出低谷,美国民俗学家们经过激烈的论争,最终支持对民俗学进行文化政治学的研究。

    American folklorists support the idea of the study of cultural politics in terms of folklore after their heated argument .

  11. 更强调动态的“观念战略”研究和“文化政治”建设。

    Secondly , emphasize the dynamic study of " idea strategy " and the construction of " cultural politics " .

  12. 第三,是为生活立法,即为乡村生活世界构建现代文化政治图景。

    The third is " based on political life ", which constructs the modem political landscape culture for the country life .

  13. 后殖民理论是继后现代主义之后的又一理论景观。这种反人本主义的文化政治理论和批评方法,在西方批评界再掀波澜,并迅速由西方蔓延到全球。

    Postcolonial theory , an anti-humanistic cultural and political theory and critical approach , emerged after postmodernism in the west and quickly spread worldwide .

  14. 欧洲观念是欧洲人对欧洲这一特定地理区域和文化政治实体所具有的实在的、或想象的特征的认识。

    The Idea of Europe indicates the Europeans ' consciousness of the real and imagined characters of Europe as a geographical region and a cultural area .

  15. 对这三种叙述声音的分析,我们发现,通过叙述形式来形成某种具有文化政治意义的女性集体声音是具有多种可能性的。

    By the analysis of these three narrative voices , we can see that it has various possibilities to form political collective women voices through narratology .

  16. 然而,本文推断此瑕疵并非在于剧作本身,而在于其试图将文化政治的关注渗入存在主义的情境中。

    The conclusion is that the fault lies not with the play itself but with any attempt to " fold " cultural and political concerns into existential ones .

  17. 尤其是他从文化政治学的视角去关注教育,注重教育哲学,不乏为一创新之举。

    Especially he tends to attach importance to education from the view of cultural politics and pays great attention to the educational philosophy , which is a creative thought .

  18. 从某种意义上说,对大众文化政治的分析不仅有利于把大众文化研究推向深入,还有利于打开一扇探究现代性问题的窗口。

    In a sense , the analysis of the politics in popular culture will not only deepen popular culture study , but also open a window to the study of modernity .

  19. 第一部分包括一、二、三章,主要解决两个问题:为什么要发展媒介文化政治,以及发展一种什么样的媒介文化政治。

    The first part includes chapter one , two , three , mainly to solve two questions : why did kellner develop media cultural politics and what kind of media cultural politics did him want to develop .

  20. 一个国家占主流的企业治理结构由一国的财产权制度、资本市场特征、劳动力及劳动力市场的特征、文化政治制度等多种因素制约。

    The enterprise governance dominated in a country is influenced by the institution of property , the characteristic of capital market , the characteristic of labor and labor market , the institution of culture and politics and so forth .

  21. 而第一个任务是帮助馆长筹办一个关于IsabellaD'Este的展览。IsabellaD'Este是意大利复兴时期的一位知名女性和重要的文化和政治人物。

    Her first assignment was helping the museum 's curator with an exhibition on Isabella D'Este , one of the leading women of the Italian Renaissance and a leading cultural and political figure .

  22. 政治文化对政治生活有着深远的影响。

    The political culture has a profound influence on political life .

  23. 高校校园文化思想政治教育功能探析

    Analysis of the University Campus Culture 's Ideological and Political Educational Function

  24. 他们没有真正的文化或政治上的一致性。

    They have no real cultural or political unity .

  25. 贫困成为了一种文化和政治现象,而非单纯的经济现象。

    Poverty becomes a cultural and political phenomenon rather than an economic one .

  26. 广告具有文化与政治效果。

    Advertising , its cultural and political effects .

  27. 政治文化与政治现代化关系密切。

    Political culture and modernization are mixed up .

  28. 城市是一个地区经济、文化、政治的中心。

    A city is the center of economy , culture and politics of the area .

  29. 中国传统政治文化对政治文明建设既有积极影响又有消极制约。

    Socialism political civilization construction of China must be influenced by Chinese traditional political culture .

  30. 旅游现象是涉及经济、社会、文化、政治等多方面因素的复杂现象。

    Tourism is a complex phenomenon involving multi-facets of society , economy , culture and politics etc.