
  • 网络Princess Wencheng;Princess Wen Cheng
  1. 文成公主读过许多书,很有才华。她入吐蕃时带去了许多医药、生产技术书籍(ji)和谷物、蔬菜的种子,还有唐朝精制的手工艺品。

    Princess Wencheng took with her to Tubo medicines , books on science and technology , grain and vegetable seeds , and exquisite handicrafts of the Tang Dynasty .

  2. 松赞干布建这个宫殿是为了迎娶唐朝的文成公主。

    King Songtsan Gampo built this palace to marry Princess Wencheng from Tang Dynasty .

  3. 这个词用在文成公主的身上再贴切不过了。

    It is a most suitable word to be used to describe Princess Wencheng .

  4. 歌剧翻译的美学追求&以歌剧《文成公主》翻译为例

    Aesthetic Pursuit in Opera Translation & with the Translation of Princess Wencheng as an Example

  5. 玄奘住的这座寺院附近有一座小乘寺。大昭寺建成后,文成公主又建了小昭寺。

    After the completion of the Great Brightness Temple , Prince Wencheng set about building the Little Brightness Temple .

  6. 吐蕃人原来住帐篷,据说为了迎接文成公主,特地修建了华丽的王宫,就是今天布达拉宫的前身。

    It is said that a gorgeous palace was built specially for her , which was the predecessor of today'sPotala Palace .

  7. 文成公主进藏不到10年,这座高原古城就初具规模。

    Within ten years of the arrival of Princess Wencheng , this ancient city on a plateau was beginning to take shape .

  8. 勒巴沟几乎所有的石头上都刻上六字真言或是经文,以表达对文成公主的敬仰。

    Six-words theory or prayer were engraved in almost all stones of LeBaGou , this is to show respect to Wencheng Princess .

  9. 现在大昭寺前的“唐柳”,相传还是文成公主和松赞干布亲手栽种的呢!

    What is known as " the willow of the Tang Dynasty " before the Jokhang Temple was reputedly planted there personally by the princess and Songzan Ganbu together .

  10. 摘要传阎立本《步辇图》是一幅写实风格的艺术作品,描述了唐太宗接见迎娶文成公主的吐蕃赞普使者历史场面。

    Yan liben 's painting Bunian Tu is a realist work which depicts Emperor Tang Taizong receiving as an emissary the Tubo King Songtsan Gampo who married Princess wencheng .

  11. 文成公主离开长安(今陕西省西安市)嫁给了远在3000公里之外的吐蕃国王松赞干布。

    Princess Wencheng left Chang'an ( present-day Xi'an in Shaanxi Province ) to marry Songtsan Gambo , king of the Tubo kingdom , which was located about 3 000 kilometers to the west .

  12. 松赞干布非常喜爱唐朝文化,也希望得到先进而强盛的唐朝的支持,他几次向唐求婚,于是,唐太宗把文成公主嫁给了他。

    Songtsen Gampo admired the culture of the Tang Dynasty , and was eager to form an alliance with that powerful empire . In641 , Emperor Taizong sent Princess Wencheng to him as his bride .