
  • 网络andhra pradesh;State of Andhra Pradesh
  1. “我们已经在印度的安得拉邦的雨季测试了这种方法,”Chartres说。

    " We 've already tried this in [ Indian state of ] Andhra Pradesh during the wet season ," said Chartres .

  2. 经过了多年的辛勤劳动之后,他的这个在印度东南部安得拉邦的项目即将被联合国气候变化框架公约(UNFCCC)批准。

    After years of hard work , his project in India 's southeastern state of Andhra Pradesh is about to receive approval from the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change ( UNFCCC ) .

  3. 安得拉邦的灾害管理专员A·R·苏库马尔(A.R.Sukumar)称,该邦至少有两人在风暴中死亡——一名男性被倒下的大树砸死,另有一名女性被倒塌的墙砸死。

    At least two people in Andhra Pradesh were killed in the storm - one man who was hit by a felled tree and one woman who was crushed by a collapsing wall , according to A. R. Sukumar , the state 's disaster management commissioner .

  4. 印度的许多地方都会庆祝这个节日,例如泰米尔纳德邦,安得拉邦和卡纳塔克邦。

    The festival is celebrated widely in Tamil Nadu , Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka .

  5. 一个例子就是由印度安得拉邦政府支持的一项“零杀虫剂”村庄实验。

    An example is an experiment with'zero pesticide'villages supported by Andhra Pradesh state government in India .

  6. 但这种做法令该党有可能失去安得拉邦其他地区的选票。

    But by doing so the party risks losing votes share in the rest of Andhra Pradesh .

  7. 在孟加拉、塞内加尔、阿富汗和印度的安得拉邦,这个数字上升到90%的家庭。

    That figure rises to90 percent of households in Bangladesh , Senegal , Afghanistan and Andhra Pradesh , India .

  8. 违规信贷报告使安得拉邦采取紧急措施,以禁止一些催收贷款的方式。

    Reports of corruption and abuses have led to emergency measures in Andhra Pradesh to ban some collection methods .

  9. 印度安得拉邦报告了基孔肯亚病与登革热散在病例的混合疫情。

    A mixed outbreak of chikungunya , with sporadic cases of dengue has been reported in Andhra Pradesh state , India .

  10. 今年夏天,印度南部的泰伦加纳邦和安得拉邦已经有数十人被热死。

    This summer , the heatwave has claimed dozens of lives in the south Indian states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh .

  11. 据消息人士称,公司最近先后考察了安得拉邦和泰米尔纳德邦,寻找一个当地合作伙伴。

    The company recently visited Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu and , according to sources , is looking for a local partner .

  12. 在这一天的官方会见中,沃尔福威茨表达了他对在安得拉邦农村所见所闻的热衷。

    In official meetings over the course of the day , Wolfowitz shared his enthusiasm about what he had seen in rural Andhra Pradesh .

  13. 反对建邦的人担心安得拉邦因失去信息技术和制药中心海得拉巴而受到影响。

    Their opponents fear the impact on Andhra Pradesh of the loss of the city of Hyderabad , a hub for information technology and pharmaceuticals .

  14. 这起纠纷涉及数千万美元资金,该合资公司声称,其应从安得拉邦一个高速公路项目中获得的工程款遭到了拖欠。

    The dispute involves tens of millions of dollars of payment which the joint venture alleges it is owed for work completed on a highway in the state of Andhra Pradesh .

  15. 在今年安得拉邦危机中,卫生官员试图控制污染而使水过度氯化,这一事实使健康问题变得更加复杂。

    During this year 's Hyderabad crisis , health problems were compounded by the fact that sanitation officials had been over-chlorinating the water in an attempt to deal with the contamination .

  16. 星期一早上,印度宇航局的一枚火箭从安得拉邦的斯里赫里戈达航天发射场发射升空,在几分钟之内把搭载的十颗卫星送入地球运行轨道。

    A rocket belonging to India 's space agency lifted off from the Sriharikota space station in Andhra Pradesh early Monday , putting a cluster of ten satellites into earth orbit within minutes .

  17. 奥里萨邦和安得拉邦的救灾官员称,截至周日夜里,这两个邦的部分地区已经疏散了近30万人。

    Close to 300000 people were evacuated from their homes in parts of the states of Odisha and Andhra Pradesh as of Sunday evening , according to disaster and relief officials in each state .

  18. 印度气象局预测,气旋来袭时,潮位会比正常水位高三到六英尺(约合1.8米)。该局建议安得拉邦的至少六个地区暂停捕捞作业。

    The Indian Meteorological Department predicted that the tide would surge three to six feet above its natural level when the cyclone hit , and advised at least six districts in Andhra Pradesh to suspend fishing operations .

  19. 受灾最严重的区域之一位于安得拉邦沿海地带,从周六开始,有超过13万人在风暴到来之前被疏散。周日下午,直径15英里(约合24公里)的风暴中心从这里经过。

    One of the worst-hit regions was the coast of Andhra Pradesh , where more than 130,000 people were evacuated starting on Saturday in preparation for the storm , and where the 15-mile eye of the storm passed on Sunday afternoon .

  20. 当地时间早上9点28分,印度南部安得拉邦斯里赫里戈达岛的发射场,“极轨卫星运载火箭”C37火箭载着104颗卫星升空,并于28分钟后成功进入极太阳同步轨道。

    The satellites were launched on board Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle ( PSLV ) - C37 from the spaceport of Sriharikota in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh at 9.28 a.m. local time and were successfully placed into the polar sun synchronous orbit 28 minutes later .

  21. 周日下午当风暴中心移上陆地时,安得拉邦出现了短暂的平静,但官员们警告居民不要认为风暴已经停止,之后风力再次加大到最初的强度。

    There was a brief lull in the storm in Andhra Pradesh on Sunday afternoon as the eye of the cyclone moved over land , but officials warned residents not to think that the storm had passed , and winds increased again to close to their initial levels .