
  • 网络KARNATAKA;karnataka state
  1. 推动恢复该法律的卡纳塔克邦政府劳动部长伊克巴勒•安萨里(IqbalAnsari)表示:我们的目的是给予上班女性更多的安全保障。

    Iqbal Ansari , Karnataka 's labour minister who spearheaded the drive to revive the law , said : Our intention is to give more security and safety to the working woman .

  2. 他有七年半从业经验,从印度卡纳塔克邦的VTU获得了信息技术工程学士学位。

    He has an overall experience of 7.5 years and holds a bachelor 's degree in Information Technology Engineering from VTU , Karnataka , India .

  3. 卡纳塔克邦的最高价格达到了一公斤150卢比。

    The maximum price in Karnataka touched Rs150 a kg .

  4. 举例来说,卡纳塔克邦的政策已经改变了。

    For example , policy has changed in Karnataka .

  5. 印度的许多地方都会庆祝这个节日,例如泰米尔纳德邦,安得拉邦和卡纳塔克邦。

    The festival is celebrated widely in Tamil Nadu , Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka .

  6. 这个项目在印度农业地区卡纳塔克邦和泰米尔纳德邦的12个村庄进行。

    The project works in12 villages in India 's rural Karnataka and Tamil Nadu states .

  7. 受到卡纳塔克邦高价销售价格的鼓舞,烟农们要求每公斤支付110卢比左右的价格。

    Farmers are demanding Rs110 a kg or so , enthused by the high prices paid in Karnataka .

  8. 卡纳塔克邦的烟草平均价格从去年每公斤110卢比,下降至每公斤93卢比。

    The average tobacco price in Karnataka has come down to Rs93 per kg now from Rs110 per kg a year ago .

  9. 他住在印度卡纳塔克邦。自从那时,他就在啃食墙面和街道上的砖土,并称自己的身体没有不良反应。

    Ever since , he has snacked on walls and streets of Karnataka , India - and claims to suffer no ill effects .

  10. 20岁的产妇南迪尼是在南部卡纳塔克邦的一家医院经剖腹手术诞下的这名女婴。

    Her mother Nandini , 20 , gave birth by a Caesarean section , at a hospital in the southern state of Karnataka .

  11. 这起事情发生在上周一,该列车在经过印度南部卡纳塔克邦赫里赫尔车站时被没收,当时车上还有100多名乘客。

    The train had more than 100 passengers on board when the officials confiscated it at the Harihar station in southern Karnataka state last Monday .

  12. 声音1:这些女性是大型组织“争取土地权利的卡纳塔克邦人民论坛”(简称KPFLR)的成员。

    Voice 1 : The women are part of a larger group - " The Karnataka People 's Forum for Land Rights " or KPFLR .

  13. 海德拉巴和奥兰加巴德,分别是青岛和敦煌的姊妹城市,而卡纳塔克邦和四川省建立了省级姊妹关系。

    Hyderabad and Aurangabad are sister cities of Qingdao and Dunhuang , while Karnataka has provincial relations with the government of Sichuan through a sister-state pact .

  14. 1994年9月,韩德先生请求南部卡纳塔克邦一位富有的槟榔种植者允许给他家安装电灯。

    In September 1994 Mr Hande asked a wealthy betel nut farmer in the southern state of Karnataka for permission to install the lights in his house .

  15. 卡伦斯是野生动物研究中心主任,并且是一位用相机触发器监视卡纳塔克邦西南部老虎的先驱。

    Ullas Karanth , director of Center for Wildlife Studies and a pioneer in India in using camera traps to monitor tigers in the southwest state of Karnataka .

  16. 印度烟草委员会还决定,为确保烟农获得更好的价格,从下个拍卖季节开始,在全部31个平台推行电子拍卖&这31个平台中,20个在安德拉邦,11个在卡纳塔克邦。

    The board has also decided to introduce electronic auction at all the31 platforms 20 in Andhra Pradesh and11 in Karnataka from the next auction season to ensure better price for farmers .

  17. 约17.4万名考生原定3月21日在印度南部卡纳塔克邦参加大学入学前考试,但由于试题泄露该考试被延期。

    An estimated 174000 candidates were due to sit the pre-university course test on March 21 in the southern Indian state of Karnataka but a leak of that paper caused the exam to be delayed .

  18. 这种仪式在马哈拉施特拉邦和卡纳塔克邦流行已久,可以追溯到大约700年前。那时,婴儿的死亡率很高,医疗知识匮乏,人们求助无门。

    The ritual , long popular in Maharashtra and Karnataka States , dates back almost 700 years , to a time when infant mortality was high , medical knowledge was scant and families had few places to turn for help .