
Kǎ lā qí
  • Karachi
  1. 我尽量赶上今晚去卡拉奇的航班。

    I 'll try to get on the flight down to Karachi tonight

  2. 她的外公是卡拉奇市的市长。

    Her maternal grandfather was Mayor of Karachi .

  3. 她在星期一晚上抵达了卡拉奇,这段行程耗时3天9小时。

    She reached Karachi on Monday evening , the journey having occupied three days and nine hours .

  4. 走过主广场,和本地人一起来到特卡拉奇切瓦街(TkalcicevaStreet)。

    Cross the main square to stroll with locals along Tkalciceva Street .

  5. 拥有卡拉奇最大的停尸房、并提供救护车服务的艾德希基金会(Edhifoundation)表示,他们在最近几天已经接收了600多具尸体。

    The Edhi foundation , which runs an ambulance service and Karachi 's largest morgue , said it had collected over 600 bodies in recent days .

  6. 该校佳奇商学院(Judgebusinessschool)正在帮助艾哈迈达巴德、卡拉奇和阿布扎比刚起步的商学院打造学术能力,在中国也有类似计划。

    The Judge Business School is helping build academic capacity at fledgling business schools in Ahmedabad , Karachi and Abu Dhabi and has plans to do so in China , too .

  7. 相当多的保加利亚(Bengali)迁入者主要集中在卡拉奇(Karachi)。

    A sizeable number of Bengali immigrants are mainly concentrated in Karachi .

  8. 你能报cfr卡拉奇价吗?

    Can you quote CFR karachi ?

  9. 巴基斯坦人民党和在南部城市卡拉奇的民族运动党(MQM)。

    the Pakistan People 's Party and MQM in the southern city Karachi .

  10. 卡拉奇证券交易所(karachistockexchange)的股票价格比起今年4月的历史最高点低了近40%,自1月以来,卢比贬值超过30%。

    Share prices on Karachi Stock Exchange are about 40 per cent below their all-time high in April this year , while the rupee has lost more than 30 per cent of its value since January .

  11. 根据研究结果和实际海况资料,应用HARP程序对卡拉奇港单点系泊系统工程实际进行了耦合分析。

    The time-domain coupled analysis of the single point mooring system which is parked at Karachi port has been done using HARP program based on research results and reality oceanic conditions .

  12. 这是AdibRizvi教授的故事,他是巴基斯坦卡拉奇辛德泌尿学和器官移植学会(SUIT)的泌尿科医生和外科医生。

    This is the story of Professor Adib Rizvi , urologist and surgeon at the Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation ( SUIT ) in Karachi , Pakistan .

  13. 巴基斯坦卡拉奇——当听说Showtime的《国土安全》(Homeland)把第四季的故事背景放在了巴基斯坦和阿富汗时,我开始充满期待和担心地等待这一季的首播。

    KARACHI , Pakistan - When I heard that the fourth season of Showtime 's " Homeland " would be set in Pakistan and Afghanistan , I awaited its season premiere with anticipation and trepidation .

  14. 巴基斯坦国防生产部长拉纳映维尔侯赛因(RanaTanvirHussain)已确认,8艘潜艇中的一半将在卡拉奇船厂和机器制造厂建造,从而提高巴基斯坦的造船能力。

    Rana Tanveer Hussain , Pakistan 's minister of defence production , has confirmed that half of the eight submarines will be built at the Karachi shipyard and engineering works , boosting Pakistan 's shipbuilding capacity .

  15. Ashrafi听说卡拉奇市的医生可以治好她的病,便求人把她带过去。

    Ashrafi had heard that doctors in Karachi might be able to cure her , and she asked if someone could take her .

  16. 后来她终于说服了她的兄弟们带她去卡拉奇市,正是Shershah医生接待了她。

    Finally , she prevailed upon her brothers to take her to Karachi , where she was examined by Dr. Shershah .

  17. 中国同意向巴基斯坦提供65亿美元贷款以便在其南部港口城市卡拉奇(Karachi)建造两座核电站,这是中国迄今为巴基斯坦单一项目提供的最大融资交易。

    China has agreed to provide Pakistan with a $ 6.5bn loan to construct twin nuclear power stations in the southern port city of Karachi , the largest ever Chinese financing deal for a single project in the country .

  18. 卡拉奇股市是2007年表现最红火的股市之一,但卡拉奇证交所(kse)表示,自今年4月以来蒸发近三分之一价值,意味着已经产生了“系统性风险”。

    Karachi had one of the hottest stock markets in the world in 2007 , but its loss of nearly one-third in value since April has created " systemic risk " , the KSE said .

  19. 9年前,在政府的资助下Shershah医生在一家公立医院里开设了一流的妇产科分部。医院位于奥林齐,周遭环块极其恶劣。那不仅是卡拉奇市最艘的地段,甚至有人说那里是世界上最大的贫民窟。

    With government support nine years ago , Dr. Shershah started a top-level maternity wing in a public hospital in Orangi , an in poverished Karachi neighborhood that by some reckonings is the largest slum in the world .

  20. 空中交通管制放行你到卡拉奇经过你飞行计划航路。

    ATC clears you to Karachi via your flight planned route .

  21. 巴基斯坦超过50%的收入来自卡拉奇。

    Karachi produces more than 50 percent of Pakistan 's revenue .

  22. 在那之后,父亲便显得坐立不安,无法好好享受在卡拉奇的时光。

    After that my father was restless and could not enjoy Karachi .

  23. 1965年,印度军队进攻拉合尔和锡亚尔科特;1971年进攻锡亚尔科特和卡拉奇。

    Indian Army attacked Lahore and Sialkot in1965 and Sialkotand Karachiharbour in1971 .

  24. 内格罗蓬特在访问即将结束时在卡拉奇对记者讲话。

    Speaking to reporters in Karachi at the end of his visit .

  25. 而且据说塔利班领袖能够在卡拉奇自由的会面。

    Taliban leaders are said to meet freely in Karachi .

  26. 卡拉奇是世界上最大的城市之一。

    Karachi is one of the biggest cities on earth .

  27. 他最后在一间卡拉奇医院接受治疗时死亡。

    He eventually died during treatment at a Karachi hospital .

  28. 卡拉奇宣布当天为公众假日。

    A public holiday was declared in the city .

  29. 他只能把唯一的希望寄托在住在卡拉奇的姐夫身上。

    His only hope was his brother-in-law in Karachi .

  30. 阿赛·赛义德是巴基斯坦卡拉奇呼叫中心的一位年轻的工作人员。

    Ahsan Saeed is a young call center worker in Karachi , Pakistan .