
qīng zhēn
  • Muslim;Islamic;pure and simple;real and natural
清真 [qīng zhēn]
  • (1) [pure and simple]∶纯真朴素

  • 清真寡欲

  • (2) [real and natural]∶真实自然

  • 文贵清真

  • (3) [Islamic;Muslim]∶明清时,中国伊斯兰教学者介绍该教教义,曾用清净无染、真主原有独真,谓之清真等语,称颂该教崇奉的真主。故称伊斯兰教为清真教,寺曰清真寺

  • 清真寺

清真[qīng zhēn]
  1. 把VI概念引入清真食品的整合与管理中,对于树立清真食品形象、保护清真食品权益都是有益的。

    If the idea of VI could be introduced to integrate and supervise the Chinese Islamic foods , it would be beneficial for their proprietor to build the brand and protect their rights and interests .

  2. 清真菜在北京菜中占有的位置,它以牛羊为主要原料。

    Islamic cuisine which uses mainly beef and mutton has an important place in Beijing cuisine .

  3. 国防部发言人说,载着清真食品、运水卡车和帐篷的两架C-17型运输机星期三将飞往巴基斯坦。

    The other $ 10 million comes from the Pentagon , where a spokesman says two C-17 cargo planes will fly to Pakistan Wednesday , carrying Halal meals , water trucks and tents .

  4. 伊朗正致力于建设一个清真的互联网。

    Iran is working to build a halal or pure internet .

  5. 清真饮食文化及其食品行业管理研究

    A Survey on Halal Food Cultural and Management of Food Industry

  6. 信仰清真教的男人说他们必须。

    MEM of faith im mosques explaim that they must kill .

  7. 第四章将清真餐饮业现代性转型理论运用到实际中,在微观层面上通过创新企业文化实现企业文化资本的增值;

    Chapter four concentrates on the practice of the modernity transformation theory .

  8. 能否取消我点的清真鱼?

    Can you please cancel my order for steamed fish ?

  9. 同等的人的可疑的窥看是一个清真的嘲笑。

    The peer 's queer peering is a sheer sneer .

  10. 第四章,清真意象与清真范式。

    Chapter four mainly discusses Qingzhen images and Qingzhen paradigm .

  11. 低盐保鲜清真牛干巴的研制

    Studies on Low Salt and Preservation of Muslim Corned Beef

  12. 清真词中月意象的审美特征

    Aesthetic Characteristics about Imagery of the Moon in Qingzhen Poetry

  13. 北京清真饮食文化与北京的清真餐饮业

    The Culture of Muslim Diet and the Muslim Catering Trade in Beijing

  14. 关于清真食品产业发展问题的几点思考和探索

    Reflection and Analysis on the Problems about the Development of Muslim Food Industry

  15. 论清真词的空间结构

    A Brief Discussion on Qingzhen Ci Poetry The Spacial Structure of Qingzhen Ci

  16. 除了穆斯林,我们也接待其他喜欢清真肉食的人们。

    It 's just that it also caters to people who eat halal .

  17. 论清真饮食规定及其特色

    The Stipulations of Muslims ' Diet and Its Characteristics

  18. 我以前从没在学校里见过任何清真肉店或杂货店。

    I didn 't find any halal grocery or meat store on the campus .

  19. 释清真词“以健笔写柔情”

    Elucidation of Qing zhen 's ci " tender feelings written in powerful style "

  20. 远处有一座清真古寺。

    An old mosque stands in the distance .

  21. 含有在其非清真介质繁殖的微生物产品的消费品,也是非清真的。

    Consumer products containing microbial products which grow on non halal media are haram .

  22. 不同贮藏温度下清真羊肉脂肪氧化的研究及感官检验

    Research on sensory evaluation and fat oxidation degree of Muslim mutton in different temperatures

  23. 穆斯林清真商店通常会写字母“786”缅甸的数字。

    Muslin Halal shops will usually write the letter " 786 " in Myanmar numeral .

  24. 所有城市和大城市在缅甸最有食用清真食品的商店和餐馆。

    All cities and most large towns in Myanmar have Muslim food shops and restaurants .

  25. 另外此无乳奶酪也适合清真和犹太洁食。

    It 's also Halal and Kosher .

  26. 这家清真面馆的面条非常辛辣,哪怕是最嗜辣的吃客都能被辣倒。

    The halal restaurant makes noodles spicy enough to satisfy even the most hardened heat-seekers .

  27. 在中国,约有十个少数民族有食用清真食品的传统习惯。

    In China , about ten minority peoples have the tradition of eating Muslim food .

  28. 传统建筑形式与宗教内涵的结合&析宁夏同心清真大寺建筑

    A Combination of Traditional Architectural Form and Religion Analysis to Tongxin Mosque Architecture in Ningxia

  29. 该计划还将帮助生产者满足饮食标准的清真市场。

    The program will also help producers meet the dietary standards of the halal market .

  30. 伊朗正致力于建设一个“清真”的互联网。

    Iran is working to build a " halal " or " pure " internet .