
  • 网络sindhi
  1. 国际社会应该对巴基斯坦施压,让他们允许普什图人、俾路支人和信德人独立。

    The world needs to compel the Pakistanis to let the Pashtuns go , and allow them to have their own independent national existence , along with the Baluchis and Sindhis .

  2. 我要为那些没有信德的人祈祷,并要感谢你使我拥有信德。

    I pray for those that don 't believe but I thank you that I believe .

  3. 耶稣基督的仆人和宗徒西满伯多禄,致书给那些因我们的天主和救主耶稣基督的正义,与我们分享同样宝贵信德的人。

    Simon Peter , servant and apostle of Jesus Christ , to them that have obtained equal faith with us in the justice of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ .

  4. 此章节将天主耐心地对待那些在洪水降临时仍旧怀著信德的人,跟藉著圣洗圣事在洪水中得救的人作平衡发展。

    The letter uses a parallel with God 's patience for those who remained faithful at the time of the deluge ( and goes further to parallel the deadly deluge with the saving waters of Baptism ) .

  5. 对信德软弱的人,你们该容纳,不要为意见争论。

    Now him that is weak in faith , take unto you : not in disputes about thoughts .