
  • 网络Xinfeng;xinfeng county
  1. 信丰县加快水保产业化建设的措施

    Measures for Strengthening Water Conservation Industrial Construction in Xinfeng County

  2. 通过分析,信丰县森林生态补偿的主体为各级政府和受益企业。

    By analysis , Xinfeng County forest ecological compensation objects are governments and beneficiary enterprises .

  3. 国家相关的政策、法律及法规有利于信丰县森林生态补偿机制的发展。

    Relevant national policies , laws and regulations are conducive to develop the forest eco-compensation mechanism in Xinfeng County .

  4. 对江西省信丰县铁石口剖面晚二叠世长兴阶至铁石口阶下部的牙形石动物群有了新的认识。

    A detailed research has been worked on the Late Upper Permian conodont fauna of Tieshikou section in Xinfeng area , Jiangxi Province .

  5. 可持续发展与工矿区水保产业化信丰县加快水保产业化建设的措施

    Sustainable Development and Industrialization of Soil and Water Conservation in Industry and Mine Areas Measures for Strengthening Water Conservation Industrial Construction in Xinfeng County

  6. 我哥哥和我是在1987年进入稀土行业的,江西信丰县一名摩的司机回忆说,那时赚钱很困难。

    My brother and I went into rare earths in 1987 , recalls one motorcycle taxi driver in the town of Xinfeng . It was tough to make any money .

  7. 同时,结合条件价值法,对信丰县生态补偿机制进行了探讨,以期为信丰县政府制定相关生态补偿政策提供参考依据。

    At the same time , this paper discussed the ecological compensation mechanism by applying the contingent valuation method in Xinfeng County , to provide government reference basis to formulate relevant policies about ecological compensation .