
  • 网络university of denver;Denver University
  1. DonaldMcCubbrey是美国科罗拉多州丹佛大学信息技术和电子商务教授。

    And Donald McCubbrey is a professor of information technology and electronic commerce at the University of Denver , in Colorado .

  2. 里克在自己家族的酒店企业工作(凯西在一家比萨店当服务员),1978年从丹佛大学(UniversityofDenver)毕业后在一家房地产投资公司工作,之后决定单干。

    Rick works in his family 's hotel business ( while Kathy waits tables in a pizzeria ), graduates in ' 78 from the University of Denver , then works for a real-estate investment firm until he decides to go solo .

  3. 史丹佛大学数学教授KeithDevlin告诉NPR记者AudieCornish:“这其实是一个从最简单的数学提炼出的非常高明的方式。”

    Stanford mathematics professor Keith Devlin tells NPR 's Audie Cornish " it 's actually a very clever use of simple mathematics . "

  4. 每家信誉卓著的公司和咨询机构包括投行和麦肯锡在内都必然会对此感到震惊,丹佛大学斯特姆法学院(UniversityofDenverSturmCollegeofLaw)证券法教授J小罗伯特布朗(J.RobertBrownJr)表示。

    Every reputable company and advisory entity , including investment banks and McKinsey , has got to be horrified by this , says J. Robert Brown Jr , a securities law professor at the University of Denver Sturm College of Law .

  5. 丹佛大学职业主任助理PatriciaO'Keefe说无论是雇员还是学生都没有制作视频简历,学校也没有催他们这么做。

    Patricia O'Keefe , assistant career director at the University of Denver , said neither employers nor students have brought up video resumes , and the university hasn 't been pushing them .

  6. 丹佛大学法学院教授、公司治理专家布朗(J.RobertBrown)说,薪酬在金融危机时起了一定作用,不过什么都没有改变。

    ' Compensation played a role in the financial crisis , and yet nothing has changed , 'says J.Robert Brown , a professor at University of Denver 's law school and an expert on corporate governance .

  7. 一位加尼弗利亚洲斯丹佛大学的睡眠研究员SeijiNishino记录了42位无睡眠紊乱史的健康男丁单一服用该药物的资料。

    Seiji Nishino , a sleep researcher at Stanford University in California , notes that the data come from a single drug dose given to42 healthy males with no history of sleep disorders .

  8. 我正在申请史丹佛大学的入学许可。

    I am applying for admission to Stanford University .

  9. 史丹佛大学的史丹佛哲学百科虽然未尽完善,但是仍然很好用。

    The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy is good , although nowhere near complete .

  10. 由史丹佛大学英语系转交。

    Care of the English department , Stanford university .

  11. 丹佛大学音乐会上三位中国音乐家大受欢迎

    DU Concert Features 3 Chinese Musicians

  12. 丹佛大学健康咨询中心的工作人员欢迎您来到丹佛大学。

    The staff of the University of Denver Health and Counseling Center welcomes you to DU .

  13. 史丹佛大学海柔·马库斯:对亚裔学生来说,这算不上是压力。

    HAZEL MARKUS , STANFORD UNIVERSITY : For Asian students , it doesn 't feel like pressure .

  14. 我在丹佛大学就读生物学专业,准备拿到医学院学位。

    I am a Biology major here at DU and I am considering attending MedicalSchool post graduation .

  15. 史丹佛大学海柔·马库斯:把书证读好是最重要的一件事,那是你的工作。

    HAZEL MARKUS , STANFORD UNIVERSITY : It 's the most important role . It 's your job .

  16. 米特·罗姆尼也忙着准备在丹佛大学校园里的辩论。

    Mitt Romney 's also been busy preparing for the debate on the campus of the University of Denver .

  17. 丹佛大学和得克萨斯大学的心理学家在为期八年的时间里对大约220对夫妻的婚姻状况进行了调查。

    Psychologists at the universities of Denver and Texas examined the marriages of around 220 couples over an eight-year period .

  18. 丹佛大学的心理学教授斯科特•斯坦利解释称,没有孩子的夫妻也会面临同样的问题,只不过是早晚的问题。

    Childless couples suffered the same problems - only a little later , explained Denver University psychology professor Scott Stanley .

  19. 如果您没有自己的保险,丹佛大学可以为您提供优质的学生健康保险计划。

    If you do not have your own health insurance , the University also offers an excellent Student Health Insurance Plan .

  20. 赴美国丹佛大学接受英语教师班培训;上海市少儿通用英语口语考试考官;校网络管理兼信息技术教师。

    English teacher 's training in University of Denver in u.s.a ; shanghai junior student oral English test official ; network administrator , information technology teacher in addition .

  21. 丹佛大学的健康咨询中心是一个门诊服务机构,它提供许多健康咨询和医疗,以及各种心理咨询服务,包括预防医学和实验室化验等。

    The Health and Counseling Center is an outpatient facility which provides a wide range of medical and mental health services , including preventive medicine and laboratory procedures .

  22. “那些没孩子的夫妻,婚姻质量也会随着时间而下降,”丹佛大学的心理学教授斯科特。

    " Couples who do not have children also show diminished marital quality over time ," says Scott Stanley , research professor of psychology at University of Denver .

  23. 在科罗拉多丹佛大学举行的,持续了90分钟的辩论中,米特.罗姆尼以其干脆和似乎排练的很好的演讲,反复地攻击奥巴马的政绩,而奥巴马则一直处于守势。

    During a contentious 90-minute encounter in Denver , Colorado , a crisp-speaking and seemingly well-rehearsed Mitt Romney repeatedly attacked the president 's record , Mr. Obama was often on the defensive .

  24. 在单独的相关试验中,美国丹佛大学和罗格斯大学的研究人员们根据驾驶员的出发点和跟踪设备信息编写出程序,然后估算驾驶员的行程。

    In separate experiments , researchers at the University of Denver and Rutgers University wrote algorithms that use a driver 's starting point along with the tracking data to estimate where that driver traveled .

  25. 史丹佛大学海柔·马库斯:首先是静下心来,然后将信息接收进来,再加以组织、整舍,之后才会去提出质疑。

    HAZEL MARKUS , STANFORD UNIVERSITY : First comes just making your mind quiet and then taking in the information that 's there , organize it , put it together . Later on there can be questioning .

  26. 已经有不少西方艺术家在中国作了演出,作为回报,三位中国艺术家星期三晚上在丹佛大学进行了演出,音乐会由该大学的拉蒙音乐学院主办。

    With any number of Western artists having performed in the people 's Republic of china , the favor was returned Wednesday night as three Chinese artists performed under the auspices of the Lamont School of music at the University of denver .

  27. 思科系统驻香港总经理斯蒂芬•戴恩认为这是“非常少见的情况”。丹佛大学计算机科学教授拉姆基·土瑞梅拉也称此举“前所未有、有点过分”。

    Stephen Dane , a Hong Kong-based managing director at networking company Cisco Systems , said it was " a most unusual situation " and Ramki Thurimella , chair of the computer science department at the University of Denver , called it both " unprecedented " and " a little excessive . "

  28. 这个政府出资的中心是丹佛市科罗拉多州大学的一部分。

    This government - financed center is part of the University of Colorado in denver .

  29. 但是当时我无知选了一所学费几乎跟史丹佛一样贵的大学,我那工人阶级的父母所有积蓄都花在我的学费上。

    But I naively chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford , and all of my working-class parents " savings were being spent on my college tuition .