
  • 网络Copenhagen University;university of copenhagen;University of COPENHAGEN Denmark
  1. 丹麦哥本哈根大学动物学荣誉教授同意这个问题还未被解答。

    Claus Nielsen , professor emeritus of zoology at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark , agrees that the question is not yet answered .

  2. 丹麦哥本哈根大学专家亨利可·劳森率领的一个国际研究小组从细菌中分离出两种新的葡萄糖苷酶。

    The two novel glycosidase enzymes were identified in bacteria by an international team led by Henrik Clausen of the University of Copenhagen in Denmark .

  3. 在该榜单中,苏黎世联邦理工学院是欧洲大陆排名最高的大学,位列第19,丹麦的哥本哈根大学位列第31,超过了位列第39的法国巴黎第六大学,成为了欧洲大陆第二好的学校。

    The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich was the highest-ranked entry from continental Europe , in 19th place , while the University of Copenhagen in Denmark - which came 31st - overtook France 's Pierre and Marie Curie University ( 39th ) as mainland Europe 's next best , the statement said .