
Dān mài yǔ
  • Danish;Danish language
  1. 分组讨论的活动特别多,还有英语课和丹麦语课。

    We have lots of group projects , English and Danish language courses .

  2. 他们说的是瑞典语还是丹麦语?

    Are they talking Swedish or Danish ?

  3. 如果您熟悉C或C++,那么学习Java语言并不困难,这就像是会说瑞典语的人去学丹麦语一样。

    It isn 't that hard to learn the Java language when you already know C or C + + ; it 's similar to learning Danish when you already speak Swedish .

  4. 她指出,丹麦经理已经使用MUS——丹麦语“员工发展谈话”的缩写——这种结构。

    She points out that Danish managers already use MUS , an acronym for the Danish term meaning " employee development conversation . "

  5. 诺亚韦伯斯特(NoahWebster)曾预言,美式英语将会面临同样命运,总有一天美式英语会像源于德语的现代荷兰语、丹麦语和瑞典语一样,变得与未来英国人所说的英语完全不同。

    Noah Webster predicted a similar fate for American English , which would one day be as different from the future language of England , as the modern Dutch , Danish and Swedish are from the German .

  6. 呃,现在他说的丹麦语比乔安娜的还要好。

    Uh , he now speaks better Danish than , than joanna .

  7. 与前一版本相比新增了丹麦语。

    Compared with the previous version , Danish is added .

  8. 下面的步骤使用丹麦语断字符作为示例。

    The Danish wordbreaker is used as an example in the steps below .

  9. 这个意思用丹麦语怎么说?

    How would you put this in Danish ?

  10. 我在牛津练习一下丹麦语。

    I 'm just up here at Oxford brushing up on a little danish .

  11. 丹麦语与瑞典语是同一语系的语言。

    Danish and Swedish are allied languages .

  12. 荷兰,德国,英语,法语,西班牙语,丹麦语,瑞典语,中文。

    Dutch , English , German , French , Spanish , Swedish , Danish and Chinese .

  13. 希望如此。我有部分丹麦血统,但我不会说丹麦语。

    I hope so . I 'm part Danish , but I don 't know any Danish .

  14. 丹麦语、冰岛语、挪威语及瑞典语等北欧语系则属北日耳曼语系。

    The Scandinavian languages of Danish , Icelandic , Norwegian , and Swedish comprise the North Germanic grouping .

  15. 山区印第安人有名字的人,他们结婚的,通常是丹麦语,英语,或爱尔兰伐木工。

    Mountain Indians had the names of people they married , usually Danish , English , or Irish lumberjacks .

  16. 丹麦语是全国通用的语言,尽管小部分在德国边境附近的人也说德语。

    Danish is spoken in the entire country , although a small group near the German border also speaks German .

  17. 他告诉我他能说英语、德语、法语、丹麦语及不少于三种的非洲语言。

    He told me he spoke English , German , French , Dutch , and at least three African languages .

  18. 如今有24种官方语言,包括保加利亚语、丹麦语、克罗地亚语,当然了,还有英语。

    Today there are 24 of these official languages , including Bulgarian , Danish , Croatian and , obviously , English .

  19. 丹麦大学本科教育和职业学院的绝大多数专业用丹麦语授课,大学的研究生教育设有英语授课课程。

    Most of the universities and colleges use Danish for undergraduate studies , and offer education in English for graduate students .

  20. 古德语变成荷兰语,丹麦语,德国语,挪威语,瑞典语,其中一种变成了现代英语。

    Ancient German became Dutch , Danish , German , Norwegian , Swedish and one of the languages that developed into English .

  21. 我是在丹麦由祖母抚养大,在丹麦学校受的教育,因而,我真正的母语是丹麦语。

    I was brought up in Denmark by my grandmother , and educated in Danish schools so that Danish is really my native language .

  22. 当然,具有英语和德语背景的人要学丹麦语和荷兰语也同样是件易事。

    The same is true , of course , for those who want to learn Dutch or Danish form an English or German background ;

  23. 旅馆的办事员说丹麦语和英语,但是我叔叔能说好几种语言,他用流利的丹麦语向办事员询问。

    The hotel clerk spoke Danish and English , but my uncle , who spoke several languages quite well , questioned the clerk in good Danish .

  24. 我们下了船,接见我们的是一个冰岛科学家和镇长,他们用丹麦语和我的伯父交谈。

    We stepped off the ship and were met by an Icelandic scientist and the mayor of the town , who spoke to my uncle in Danish .

  25. 尽管它们与外卖小店及街拐角杂货店“比邻而居”,但Torst酒吧与Luksus餐馆的设计均沿用简洁的斯堪的纳维亚风格的造型(Luksus在丹麦语中是“豪华”的意思)。

    Though neighbour to takeaway joints and street-corner grocery stores , both Torst and Luksus are designed along clean Scandinavian lines ( Luksus means " luxury " in Danish ) .

  26. 但皇权的打击埋下了言官群体分化蜕变的祸根。语言:官方语言为丹麦语。法罗群岛居民讲法罗语。

    However , Emperor 's stroke covered up the disaster that supervisors began to divide and transmute . Language : Danish is the official language . Faroese is spoken in the Faroe Islands .