
  • 网络Icelandic;ICELAND
  1. 因此,人们只能通过听母语学习冰岛语。

    Therefore , people can only learn Icelandic by listening to native speakers .

  2. 韦纳写道,冰岛语中的一些用语其实更能说明问题。

    Certain phrases in the Icelandic language , Weiner writes , are even more telling .

  3. 在燕麦片(冰岛语叫做Hafragrautur)中加入少许红糖,表面再漂浮上些葡萄干和坚果仁,完美的搭配。

    Hafragrautur , or oatmeal , is served with a sprinkle of brown sugar with a few raisins or nuts on top , perfect .

  4. 帮助我了解音调优美的冰岛语。

    and helped me get a grasp of the melodic Icelandic language .

  5. 冰岛语是冰岛的官方语言他是一种北日尔曼语言。重要的外国语言包括丹麦的和其他的北欧语言、英语和德语。

    Important foreign languages include Danish and other Scandinavian languages , English and German .

  6. 分布于法罗群岛的一种斯堪的那维亚语(接近于冰岛语)。

    A Scandinavian language ( closely related to Icelandic ) that is spoken on the Faroe Islands .

  7. 丹麦语、冰岛语、挪威语及瑞典语等北欧语系则属北日耳曼语系。

    The Scandinavian languages of Danish , Icelandic , Norwegian , and Swedish comprise the North Germanic grouping .

  8. 在第五频道的纪录片里,谭米特接受挑战,在一周内完成冰岛语的学习。

    To prove this for the Channel Five documentary , Tammet was challenged to learn Icelandic in one week .

  9. 他还能讲各种语言,比如英语、法语、芬兰语、德语、西班牙语、立陶宛语、罗马尼亚语、爱沙尼亚语冰岛语、威尔士语和世界语。

    He also speaks a variety of languages including English , French , Finnish , German , Spanish , Lithuanian , Romanian , Estonian , Icelandic , Welsh and Esperanto .

  10. 这座图书馆几乎收藏了所有已出版发行的丹麦文书籍,如重要的冰岛语手稿——《古腾堡圣经》,以及童话作家汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生的日记。

    It houses nearly every book ever published in Danish . Its treasures include a Gutenberg Bible , an important collection of Icelandic manuscripts , and the diaries of the fairy-tale writer Hans Christian Anderson .

  11. 席间他和我们的主人之间的谈话用的是冰岛语,但是我叔叔偶尔用德语为我做一下翻译,而给我们的主人则用拉丁语。

    The conversation during the meal , between my uncle and our host , was in Icelandic , but my uncle occasionally gave me a German translation , and our host , a Latin one .