
  • 网络Glacial movement;glacier flow
  1. 光学遥感影像的山地冰川运动速度分析方法

    Mountain Glacier Flow Velocities Analyzed from Satellite Optical Images

  2. 干涉SAR已经在地图绘制、地质检测、冰川运动监测等领域得到了广泛的应用。

    InSAR has been used in mapping , geological detection and other fields .

  3. 一种使用GPS、罗盘和激光测距仪测定南极冰川运动的方法

    A Method of Using GPS 、 Compass and laser Scanner to Measure the Glacier Movement In Antarctic

  4. 它是第四纪冰川运动幸存下来的珍贵树种。

    It 's a rare tree species left from the Fourth Glacier Age .

  5. 我国大陆型冰川运动的某些特征

    Some flow characteristics of Continental-type glaciers in China

  6. 估算底部滑动占冰川运动的83%。

    It is estimated that the basal sliding holds 83 % of the overall movement .

  7. 这些时期的高峰段是地球历史上冰川运动最广泛的时候。

    These were , at their maxima , among the most extensive glaciations in the Earth 's history .

  8. 一个精确的地球水准面模型对于推到出精确的洋流、海平面的变化和地球冰川运动来说都是非常重要的。

    A precise model of Earth 's geoid is crucial for deriving accurate measurements of ocean circulation , sea-level change and terrestrial ice dynamics .

  9. 石英表面呈现出强烈的冰川运动和较弱的化学溶蚀-沉淀作用留下的表面特征,表明该沉积物主要是处于低能海洋环境中的冰碛物。

    The quartz grains show surface textures resulted from a strong glacial movement and a weaker chemical erosion precipitation , indicating the sediments are mainly glacial drifts under a lower energy marine environment .

  10. 作者称这种地质变动现象为地质冰川运动,地质冰川运动普遍存在于上层地壳的运动之中。

    The author of this paper classifies such phenomena of geologic changes as " geologic glacier movement " which , according to the author , extensively exists in the movement : of the upper crust .

  11. 地球流变学研究地球介质的流变学性质、地质构造的形成和演化、地震的前兆及其发展、泥石流、岩浆流、冰川运动等地学问题。

    Georheology is a discipline which studies the rheological properties of earth 's media , the formative and evolutional process of geological structures , the precursors and the developments of the seism , the flow , the debris magma flow , the glacial motion , etc.

  12. 力学可以用来描述冰川的运动和流体在管子中的流动。

    Mechanics can be used to describe the movement of glaciers and fluids flowing through pipes .

  13. 利用陆面岩石中生成的宇生同位素重建冰川漂砾运动历史的尝试

    Reconstructing the History of Drift Boulders ' Movement by Using the Autochthonous Cosmogenic Isotope ~ ( 10 ) Be

  14. 这里是由古冰川强烈运动阻塞山谷积水而形成。现在,这里正受着全球气候变暖的严重威胁。

    It is a reservoir formed by violent movements of ancient glaciers , which is suffering from the severe global warming in recent years .

  15. 他认为冰川的运动很有可能把尸体带到离冰面很近的地方。

    This point was just above the tumbled hummocks of an ice fall , where the movement of the glacier , he said , would tend to bring the body closer to the surface .

  16. 从砾石组构看天山叶状石冰川的表面运动特征

    The Characteristics of the Surface Movement of the Lobate-shape Rock Glacier From the Debris Fabric , Tianshan , China

  17. 你会认为,这是冰川环境,海冰运动会非常缓慢。

    You 'd think that because this is a glacial environment , sea ice would move in a glacial pace .

  18. 大多数人认为是冰川沉积岩的运动,但是现代最先进的技术指出,4500年前的地震活动是罪魁祸首,这个村庄坐落于靠近临近悬崖下面的主要构造断层。

    Most assumed the movement of a glacier deposited the rocks , but modern dating techniques point to seismic activity 4,500 years ago as the culprit . The village is located near a major tectonic fault that sits below the face of a cliff .

  19. 美国地质调查局长期开展的“基准冰川”项目,以监测气候、冰川几何学、冰川质量平衡、冰川运动和流量损失。

    The US Geological Survey Benchmark Glacier web site offers information on its program to monitor climate , glacier geometry , glacier mass balance , glacier motion , and stream runoff .

  20. 磨西河流域是我国西南典型的强震区和冰川泥石流的集中发育区,且泥石流的发育和发生均表现出了与冰川冰碛、构造运动强度及气候环境相关的响应特征。

    Moxi river located in the southwestern of China , where is a concentrative glacial debris flow area . The debris flow represents some characters related to moraine , Intensity of tectonic movement and climate environment .