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bīng yuán
  • ice sheet;ice field
冰原 [bīng yuán]
  • [ice field] 比浮冰更为广大的一片广阔的海冰

冰原[bīng yuán]
  1. 他的冰原按时供应着灌溉水。

    His fields of ice supply perfectly timed irrigation water .

  2. 还有一些证据显示,与守护神B冰架隔南极半岛相望的西南极洲大冰原已经停止了后退。

    There is also some evidence that the retreat of the West Antarctic ice sheet , on the other side of the peninsula to the Larsen B shelf , has halted .

  3. 琼恩以及他早前搭救过的忠诚的白色冰原狼幼崽Ghost被非常真实地描绘出来。

    Jon is realistically portrayed with his loyal albino direwolf pup Ghost , whom he rescues early in the series .

  4. 它指出,如果全球气温较工业化之前的水平上升2°C,将可能造成毁灭性后果:格陵兰岛冰原迅速融化,多达三分之一的动植物物种面临灭绝。

    It pointed out the potentially devastating effects of rapid melting of the Greenland ice sheet and the likely extinction of up to a third of plant and animal species if global temperatures increased by 2 ° C above pre-industrial levels .

  5. 对GLAS的适用于冰原、冰面、陆地以及海面波形的算法进行了分析,简单介绍了对GLAS测高数据进行检核和校准,并对ICESAT数据在地学研究中的应用进行了探讨。

    The possible applications of ICESAT / GLAS in the geoscience researches are also discussed .

  6. 本月底,HBO频道的奇幻史诗电视剧《权力的游戏》(GameofThrones)中的龙、冰原狼、白鬼和渴望权力的政治派系将登上电影院的大银幕。

    The dragons , dire wolves , White Walkers and power-hungry political factions in HBO 's fantasy epic " Game of Thrones " will invade movie theaters later this month - on the big , big screen .

  7. “冰原正在以更快的速度融化,而海平面上升是一个巨大的威胁,除非我们制止变暖。”Rahmsdorf告诉新闻界说。

    " Ice sheets are melting faster , and sea level rise is a huge threat unless we stop the warming ," Rahmsdorf told the press .

  8. 在“著名人物及其宠物”系列作品中,Aleksei画出了深受喜爱的流行人物的精美肖像以及他们的“精神”宠物:从琼恩·雪诺和他的白色冰原狼幼崽到蝙蝠侠与小蝙蝠或魔形女与幻想迷你版的她自己。

    In his series " Famous characters and their pets , " Aleksei draws beautiful portraits of loved pop-culture characters with their ' spirit ' pets : from Jon Snow with a white direwolf cub to Batman with a little bat or Mistique with a fantasy mini version of herself .

  9. 蕴藏着世界上最大的冰原地带

    is smothered by the world 's greatest ice sheet .

  10. 骤然跌落至冰原最深处艾伦来这里是为了研究这些水流去了哪里

    Alun is here to study where the melt water goes

  11. 一只困倦的冰原狼抬头看着空气。

    A sleeping direwolf raised his head to snarl at empty air .

  12. 本片情节从冰原时期结束时描述起。

    The plot of this movie begins when the Ice Age ends .

  13. 他把手放在冰原狼的头上。

    He put his hand on the direwolf 's head .

  14. 他的冰原狼安静而迅速地跑到他身边。

    His direwolf moved to him , swift and silent .

  15. 坐落在海拔3000多米的南极冰原上

    over 3000 metres above sea level , on the Antarctic Plateau .

  16. 格陵兰岛和南极洲有着地球上现存的最后冰原。

    Greenland and Antarctica hold the Earth 's last remaining ice sheets .

  17. 这些冰架可防止南极巨大的冰原滑入海中

    that hold back Antarctica 's gigantic continental ice sheet .

  18. 穿越过岛中央的茫茫冰原

    walked across the ice sheet at the centre of the island ,

  19. 正从一块巨大的内陆冰原上缓缓流下

    is flowing down from a vast inland ice sheet .

  20. 史塔克家族的纹章是冰原狼,对不对?

    The direwolf is the sigil of House Stark , is it not ?

  21. 碎冰被永恒不变的冰原取代

    the fragmenting ice is replaced by a permanent sheet

  22. 冰原狼是您家族的纹�

    The direwolf is the sigil of your house .

  23. 格林兰冰原是目前北极最大的冰原

    The Greenland ice sheet is by far the largest in the Arctic .

  24. 绝境长城以南没有冰原狼

    There are no direwolves south of the wall .

  25. 冰原狼可不能当-请不要再说了.

    A direwolf is not-please shut up about it .

  26. 这块冰原就会增高一米

    this ice sheet , it rose by a metre

  27. 这是块相当巨大的冰原

    It 's a staggeringly big ice sheet ,

  28. 冰原长久寒冷,几乎没有生命的区域。

    A region of permanent cold that is largely or entirely devoid of life .

  29. 伫立冰原之巅厚厚的冰雪在我足下

    The ice beneath me , up here on top of the ice cap ,

  30. 她发现自己想着淑女,盼望她的冰原狼此刻陪在身边。

    She found herself thinking of Lady , wishing the direwolf was with her .