
  • 网络ISK;Icelandic króna;Króna;krona
  1. 与此同时,冰岛克朗离岸汇率跌至荒谬可笑的低位,而国内外汇交易已经暂停。

    Meanwhile the krona fell to ridiculous lows offshore , while domestic trading of the currency ceased .

  2. 这还使得它们能够向本国居民借出数十亿冰岛克朗,助长了肆无忌惮的房地产泡沫。

    This allowed them to lend billions of Icelandic krona to their own population , fueling a property bubble of unmitigated proportion .

  3. 据瑞典TT通讯社报道,收藏家认为如果这本漫画书保存完好,它将是一件珍品,价值12.5万冰岛克朗(约16200美元或13345欧元)。

    If in mint condition , the item would be considered a rarity by collectors and could be worth up to125000 kronor ( 16200 dollars , 13,345 euros ), according to Swedish news agency TT .

  4. 渡边夫人(日本家庭主妇的代名词,掌管着家庭开支)投资了新西兰美元和冰岛克朗。

    The mythical figure of Mrs Watanabe housewives in Japan manage the family money invested in New Zealand dollars and Icelandic kronur .

  5. 由于与消费者价格指数该指数随着冰岛克朗大幅贬值而飙升挂钩,以冰岛克朗计价的抵押贷款偿还额也大幅上升。

    Krona mortgages also face big increases in payments because they are tied to the consumer price index , which has shot up with the krona 's collapse .

  6. 自2008年金融危机之后,冰岛克朗出现暴跌,旅游者所需的费用随之下降,这个拥有35座活火山的北极岛国因此成了顶级旅游胜地。

    The collapse of the Icelandic krona after the 2008 financial crisis transformed this Arctic island packed with 35 active volcanoes into a top destination by making it cheap for visitors .

  7. 外国投资者纷纷撤离,给冰岛货币克朗带来了沉重打击。

    Foreign investors fled , pounding the country 's currency , the krona .

  8. 原因是,冰岛货币冰岛克朗大幅贬值,麦当劳的食材进口成本不断提高。

    " The reason is the rising cost of imported supplies following the collapse of the Icelandic krona ," said the report .

  9. 这导致冰岛主权债务评级下调和本已贬值的冰岛克朗进一步暴跌。

    This triggered a sovereign debt downgrade and a sharp further fall in the already depreciated krona .

  10. 冰岛政府已出台紧急措施,企图限制外汇流出,以保护摇摇欲坠的冰岛克朗。

    The Icelandic government has introduced emergency measures to try to limit the outflow of foreign currency to protect the faltering krona .

  11. 冰岛央行行长古德蒙森(margudmundsson)表示,该协议将使得冰岛可以使用本币(冰岛克朗)来支付从中国进口的产品,这将改善经济关系。

    Mar Gudmundsson , governor of the Icelandic central bank , said the deal , which will allow Iceland to pay for Chinese imports in its own currency , the kronur , would promote economic ties .