
  • 网络Argentine peso;ARs;ARP
  1. 除了阿根廷比索,所有新兴市场货币兑美元汇率均告下跌。

    Every emerging market currency bar the Argentine Peso weakened against the dollar .

  2. 就连阿根廷比索和巴西雷亚尔都比美元有活力。

    Even the Argentine peso and Brazilian real are thriving against the dollar .

  3. 但是她是否会打算调高利率或让阿根廷比索升值,目前还不清楚。

    But it is not clear whether she will contemplate a rise in interest rates or an appreciation of the peso .

  4. 还有一个原因是,从俄罗斯卢布到阿根廷比索等一系列货币对欧元比价持续走低。

    Continued weakness in a range of currencies from the Russian rouble to the Argentine peso against the euro played a part .

  5. 对通货膨胀防患于未然需要利率的上调和控制公共开支,同时允许阿根廷比索升值。

    Nipping inflation in the bud would require a rise in interest rates and curbs on public spending , as well as letting the peso appreciate .

  6. 拍卖会遭遇惨败,没人愿意支付迈克尔巴萨提出的200万阿根廷比索(约合48万美元)的起价。

    The auction was a flop . Nobody came forward willing to pay Mikel Barsa 's starting price of 2 million Argentine pesos , about $ 480,000 .

  7. 全球最大的外汇交易商德意志银行也在周三对几名美洲交易员做了停职处理,其中至少有一名交易员系从事阿根廷比索交易的人员。

    Also Wednesday , it emerged that Deutsche Bank , the world 's largest currencies dealer , has suspended several traders in the Americas , at least one of them a trader in the Argentine peso .

  8. 这座光线充足的现代建筑(门票售价阿根廷60比索,按9比索兑1美元计算,约合6.55美元)拥有富含生命力的永久藏品,所有作品均按时间顺序依次排列,并与对应的艺术运动相关联,绝对值得你驻足观赏。

    The modern , light-filled building ( admission , 60 pesos or about $ 6.55 at 9 Argentine pesos to the dollar ) is truly a necessary stop , with its vibrant permanent collection , where artworks are arranged chronologically and linked to their corresponding art movement .

  9. 你可以选择在餐后或者单独盲品三种上佳的阿根廷葡萄酒(200比索),这能帮你学会如何区分特浓情(torrontés)与霞多丽(chardonnay)。

    A blind taste test of three excellent Argentine wines ( 200 pesos ) is conducted on its own or over dinner , and will help you learn to distinguish a torront é s from a chardonnay .

  10. 而它也在为印度铸造卢比,为以色列铸造阿格洛和半舍客勒,为阿根廷铸造仙和比索。

    That has also made rupees for India , Agorot and half-shekels for Israel and centavos and pesos for Argentina .

  11. 但对于这些协议将在多大程度上缓解阿根廷外汇储备的枯竭问题,分析师们持怀疑态度。目前该国政府正动用外汇储备来偿付债务、捍卫阿根廷比索。

    But analysts are skeptical the agreements will provide much relief to Argentina 's depleted foreign-currency reserves , which the country uses to pay its creditors and defend the Argentine peso .