
  1. MarbridgeConsulting董事马克•纳特金(MarkNatkins)表示,与工商总局的争端“在每个人心目中埋下了(针对阿里巴巴商业模式的)巨大疑窦”。MarbridgeConsulting是一家总部驻北京的互联网咨询公司。

    Mark Natkin , director of Marbridge Consulting , the Beijing-based internet consultancy , said the SAIC row had " planted a coconut-sized seed of doubt in everyone 's mind " about Alibaba 's business model .

  2. 阿里巴巴的模式非常简单:帮助中国的中小企业找到原本只能在交易会上见到的全球买家。

    Alibaba 's model was simple : allow small and medium-sized Chinese companies to find global buyers they would otherwise only be able to meet at trade shows . It worked brilliantly .

  3. 淡马锡相中Snapdeal,也是因为这家公司使用了与阿里巴巴类似的模式。

    It likes Snapdeal because the company uses a similar model .

  4. 阿里巴巴的业务模式则分为两种。

    Alibaba is a mix of the two models .

  5. 阿里巴巴希望拓宽业务模式,从一个电子商务公司发展为线上和线下多元化娱乐提供服务商。

    Alibaba is looking to broaden its business model from being an ecommerce company to a diversified provider of entertainment and other services both online and offline .

  6. 不过,分析师和阿里巴巴的竞争对手表示,如果阿里巴巴能证明这种模式可行,或将让在线视频行业发生彻底改观。目前,由于各家公司竞相购买顶尖内容,该行业正处于一种烧钱状态。

    But if the Chinese ecommerce group can make the model work , analysts and competitors say it could transform a sector that is haemorrhaging cash amid a bidding war among companies for top content .

  7. 业内专家的看法不一。有人说阿里巴巴为小企业提供了天赐良机。也有人持怀疑态度,因为企业主们还没有搞清楚阿里巴巴确切的经营模式。

    Expert responses ranged from it being a golden opportunity to skepticism because of confusion by business owners about what exactly Alibaba does .