
bù xíng jiē
  • pedestrian street;Walking Street;pedestrian mall
  1. 基于交通安宁化的厦门中山路半步行街设计

    Design of Zhongshan Road Half-time Pedestrian Street in Xiamen Based on Traffic Calming

  2. 现在,室内商业步行街早己成为城市生活的基本单位,成为承担人们社会活动的重要场所。

    Now , Interior Pedestrian Street has become the basic unit of social life .

  3. 卡斯尔步行街那一地段的植被不是很厚密。

    That part of Castle Walk is not thickly vegetated .

  4. 他们黄昏时分回来,然后去了一家步行街酒吧。

    They returned at twilight , and set off for one of the promenade bars .

  5. 我不顾十级大风沿着步行街挣扎前行。

    I was battling my way along the promenade in the teeth of a force ten gale

  6. LED地砖灯:适用于装饰步行街、广场、人行道、花园及舞台装饰。

    LED Brick Light : Apply to decorate walking Street , Square , sidewalks , gardens and stages .

  7. CBD商业步行街开放空间景观设计研究

    A Research on Open Space Landscape Design of CBD Commercial Walk Street

  8. 在SWOT分析中,找出了步行街的优势和现在面临的机会。

    In SWOT analyses , it has found out the advantage of the walking street and chance faced now .

  9. 我在终点遇见了Rule:站在位于旧金山市中心的鲍威尔步行街上,她对于自己在过去的14天里做了一次免费的西部旅行感到异常兴奋。

    I met up with Rule at her final destination : Audi 's Powell Street Promenade in downtown San Francisco . She was surprisingly exuberant for someone who spent the last 14 days coordinating free journeys Westward .

  10. 闲置工业空间改造中LOFT文化的体现与深化基于文脉角度谈老城区步行街环境改造中文化品位的缔造

    Studies on the Loft Culture in Reconstruction and Recycle of Old Industry Building From the Contextual Point of View to Talk about Walk Transformation of Cultural Taste Making

  11. 洛杉矶――他们拄着拐杖或助行器,步履蹒跚,又或是坐着破旧的轮椅,在穷街(SkidRow)沿步行街而下,途经肮脏的睡袋、倾斜的帐篷和成堆成堆的垃圾。

    LOS ANGELES - They lean unsteadily on canes and walkers , or roll along the sidewalks of Skid Row here in beat-up wheelchairs , past soiled sleeping bags , swaying tents and piles of garbage .

  12. 采用SWOT战略匹配表,找出最优战略,确定了南城富民商业步行街下一步的营销重点,并提出了一些措施以保证战略的成功实施。

    Adopt SWOT match form by strategy , and it finds out optimum strategies determine southern city enrich the people commercial plaza next marketing focal points , And has proposed that some measures are in order to guarantee that success of strategy is implemented .

  13. 城市商业文化步行街环境景观设计

    On the surroundings and sight design of commercial cultural tramp streets

  14. 商业步行街人文历史景观保护设计研究

    Protection Design of Humane and Historical Landscape in Commercial Pedestrian District

  15. 之后就前往深圳唯一的步行街-东门。

    Go to Shenzhen after the only pedestrian street-the East Gate .

  16. 南城富民商业步行街营销战略研究

    The Research of Marketing Strategy on Nancheng Fumin Commerce Walking Street

  17. 艾利克斯很多人都要去步行街

    Alex . A bunch of people are hitting the promenade .

  18. 欧美商业步行街发展演变轨迹及启示显影以后,就显示出带电粒子的径迹来。

    After development , the paths of electrically charged particles appeared .

  19. 地域文化的传承&德阳步行街设计探索

    Succession to the Regionally Culture : Design of Walking Street in Deyang

  20. 商业步行街计回顾与思考

    Review and Thinking on the Design for Shopping Pedestrian Mall

  21. 唐山市增盛路步行街园林景观设计

    Landscape Architecture Design of Pedestrian Street of Tang-shan Zengsheng Road

  22. 这是在中山路步行街上的铜雕。

    One status in bronze on the walking street , Zhongshan Road .

  23. 北京的第一条步行街王府井大街位于市中心的购物区。

    The first one is Wangfujing Street , a downtown shopping district .

  24. 不是,我是去王府井步行街。

    No , I 'm going to Wangfujin walking street .

  25. 南京路步行街上的观光车十分繁忙。

    Busy sight-seeing cars in Pedestrian street of Nanjing Road .

  26. 西安商业步行街公共设施的设计研究

    Designs and Researches in the Public Facilities of Xi'an Commercial Pedestrian Streets

  27. 商业步行街室外空间人性化设计初探

    Study on the Humanistic Design for Outdoor Space of Commercial Pedestrian Mall

  28. 全球化背景下的城市商业步行街景观设计探讨

    Discussion on Landscape Design of Commercial Pedestrian Street in Downtown

  29. 从深层次揭示商业步行街自身的特点,发展规律。

    It also utterly reveals its characteristics and the law of development .

  30. 南昌市商业步行街视觉环境设计研究

    Nanchang City Commercial Pedestrian Street Visual Environment Design Research