
  1. 在国外没什么名气的Oppo和Vivo都隶属总部位于东莞的步步高电子(BBK)旗下。

    Oppo and Vivo , both largely unknown brands abroad , are both owned by BBK Electronics , based in the southern city of Dongguan .

  2. 在这14家智能手机供应商中,OPPO和VIVO去年增长最快,各增长了近90%。两家供应商都属于步步高电子这一母公司。

    Of the 14 smartphone suppliers , OPPO and Vivo were the two fastest growing last year with each growing by almost 90 percent . They are owned by the same parent company BBK Electronics .

  3. 文章第五部分根据步步高物流现有的问题提出优化方案。

    The fifth part is the optimization proposal for BBG .

  4. 计算机早就“解决了”诸如步步高和跳棋之类的其他游戏。

    Computers have long " solved " other games like backgammon and draughts .

  5. 这是非常相似的步步高。

    It is very similar to backgammon .

  6. 不远处,有5位格鲁吉亚男子聚在一起玩步步高游戏,这是工作日的早上。

    Nearby , five Georgian men gather for a game of backgammon - on a weekday morning .

  7. 至于你出的价格可以买到步步高,万利达都是大公司,很好的选择。

    As for the price you can buy out of BBK , Wanlida are large companies , a good choice .

  8. 步步高是游戏的运气和技巧娱乐已经数以百万计的世界各地人民的世纪。

    Backgammon is a game of luck and skill that has been entertaining millions of people throughout the world for centuries .

  9. 看到步步高游戏节目,你会,或将有一个不受欢迎的客户在不久的将来。

    To see a backgammon game shows you will be , or will have , an unwelcome guest in the near future .

  10. 第二步,再学进一步的文字和语汇。语言是动态连续的,而非步步高的模式。

    Next , they must acquire a bigger vocabulary . Since speech follows a running pattern , sounds do not step on one another .

  11. 2002~2003、2003~2004赛季步步高男排总决赛扣球效果的同、异、反态势分析

    Analysis of Similarity , Difference and Opposition of the Spike Effect of Men Volleyball Final Match in 2002 ~ 2003 、 2003 ~ 2004 Season

  12. 本文运用连锁运营的基本理论,对步步高连锁超市现有的市场运营环境,包括宏观环境和行业环境进行了详细分析。

    On the basic of the chain operation theory , the paper analyses the environment of the company including the macro environment and micro environment .

  13. 的确,全球多数经济数据仍在不断好转,就连葡萄牙和西班牙的数据也是步步高。

    To be sure , most economic data around the world are still improving . Ironically , numbers are even ticking up in Portugal and Spain .

  14. 据统计,此次授权加入联盟的企业有:步步高集团、康美妇科医疗、中国电信、中国移动、中国联通等各企业单位。

    According to statistics , the authorized to join the alliance enterprises : step group , sig gynecological medical treatment , China telecom , China mobile , China unicom and so on various business units .

  15. 本文试从八一女排与天津女排争夺步步高复读机杯全国女排联赛冠军的比赛中双方的得与失,分析的探讨排球比赛中矛与盾的相互关系。

    This article adept the way of counting score of two teams that women 's volleyball team and Tianjin women 's volleyball team contest for " step by step " Cup Women 's Volleyball League Matches .

  16. 妾继之昔日之愚钝,斤斤计较妾之少女之自尊,却悄悄徜徉于君之允诺,忘情于彼岸之白雪皑皑。飞雪萧萧下,妾心步步高。依偎君之怀抱,聆听圣诞钟鸣。

    I c ontinued my role of a fool , clinched to my maiden pride , yet secretly indulged in your promise of the white land -- snow measuring down to us , in your arms I am lifted up .