
  • 网络pedestrian area;Pedestrian District;pedestrian precinct
  1. 以沿途趣味性景观和约300米变化多端的杉木路构成的狐狸坳步行区;

    With interesting landscape and300 meters along the variety of Chinese fir road constitute the fox depression pedestrian area ;

  2. 景观生态型设计:中心步行区景观绿化的生态建设,区内城市干道景观绿化带建设。

    Eco-Design of the Landscape : The scheme takes into consideration of the eco-construction of the landscape and greening systems of the central pedestrian area and the major arteries in the area .

  3. 有计划将伯明翰市中心改造为步行区。

    There 's plans to make Birmingham city centre pedestrianized .

  4. 现代步行区如今很受欢迎,人们喜欢在那些没有车的地方购物。

    These modern car-free zones are really popular and people like shopping there .

  5. 任何可移动的在甲板上的步行区必须带栅条。

    Any removable pedestrian flooring on deck to be of grating type .

  6. 与人的行为相适应的兰州黄河侧岸步行区空间研究

    Study on Waterfront of Yellow River in Lanzhou Adapted to the Human Activities

  7. 议会广场甚至可能成为步行区。

    Parliament Square might even become a pedestrian precinct .

  8. 其中一处步行区位于宾夕法尼亚站附近的33街,按计划将很快开放。

    One is scheduled to open soon on 33rd Street near Penn Station .

  9. 他们把市镇广场变成了步行区。

    They are pedestrianizing the town square .

  10. 大桥如今成了步行区,几乎时时刻刻人影攒动。

    The bridge is now a pedestrian zone and is almost constantly filled with people .

  11. 车辆只允许在清晨和深夜在步行区行驶。

    Vehicles are only allowed in the Pedestrianized area early in the morningand late at night .

  12. 以多层次的街区空间带动步行区的发展&上海市绍兴路书画艺术街保护规划探讨

    Pedestrian Street Development and the Multi-layer Street Space & preserve planning of Shaoxing painting and calligraphy street

  13. 有些城区有公园、滨水区或其它步行区,用于步行、跑步或玩耍很理想。

    Some urban areas have parks , waterfronts or other pedestrian areas that are ideal for walking , running or playing .

  14. 夜幕降临,大量的游客涌入朱美拉海滩步行区,数百家餐馆、咖啡厅开门迎客,提供各国风味美食。

    By day , JBR 's pedestrianised zone , The Walk , attracts many to its hundreds of restaurants and caf é s , serving up cuisine from around the world .

  15. 巴黎市长阿娜·伊达尔戈在12月份说她想把这个城市有历史意义的中心区域变成半步行区,正实施计划整治这个法国首都的交通和污染问题。

    In December , Anne Hidalgo , the mayor of Paris , said she wanted the city 's historic centre to become " semi-pedestrianised " as she laid out a plan to tackle traffic and pollution in the French capital 。

  16. 该中心是步行商业区,正中央有一个室外音乐演奏台。

    The Centre was a pedestrian precinct with a bandstand in the middle .

  17. 美国郊区有购物中心,称作mall(步行商业区),而居民通常需要有一部车去购物。

    Suburban American has shopping centers called malls and residents usually need a care to get around .

  18. 基于期望差异模型的RBD顾客满意度研究&以广州市北京路步行商业区为例

    A Conceptual Model of Expectancy Disparity Theory : A Case Study on Visitors ' Satisfaction of Beijing Road Business District in Guangzhou

  19. 如今的大理已经有了步行购物区、仿古新建筑以及成千上万的游客。

    Now it has pedestrian malls , new construction imitating traditional architecture and thousands of tourists .

  20. 本文运用期望差异模型对北京路步行商业区的顾客满意度进行了研究。

    The paper gives an examination of the tourists ' satisfaction degree on Beijing Road Business district based on expectancy disparity model .

  21. 步行商业区的交通、生态、历史整合&杭州湖滨旅游商贸步行街区城市设计城市地下步行系统规划设计初探

    Urban Design Of A Pedestrian Tourist Shopping Street On The Xihu Lake In Hangzhou City Investigation on the plan and design of underground commercial ambulation blocks

  22. 文章主要阐述了城市步行街(区)在城市生活中的意义,概述了城市步行街(区)设计的原则。

    The thesis put forth the function of target control management in engineering construction by construction of Putian City Walking Street as example .

  23. 随便你唱歌,随便你步行去非军事区。

    Go sing all you want , go walk to DMZ all you want .

  24. 自20世纪90年代以来,城市商业步行街及中心区的规划与改造,一直是中国城市规划领域的热点,如今受到城市规模迅速扩张与机动车地面交通严重拥堵的双重挑战。

    Since the 1990s the main concern was the planning and renovation for the shopping pedestrian street in the city centres of China . But now the Chinese city centres are suffering by the large-scale expansion of city and rapid increase of the motorized traffic .

  25. 为了帮助满足步行需求,他们正在全市增加步行区,扩大了最先由布隆伯格政府采纳的这个街道景观设施。

    To help accommodate foot traffic , they are adding more pedestrian plazas around the city , expanding the presence of a streetscape feature first embraced by the Bloomberg administration .

  26. WalkScore网站可以计算出任何一个地址的步行指数,从而帮你找到一个适合步行的居住区。

    The site helps you find a walkable place to live by calculating a Walk Score for any address .

  27. 最后对城市步行系统的具体建构方法作出了一些探索,主要包括建立开放的自由步行区,打通穿越绿地的城市步行通道,建立高密度的步行连接系统。

    Furthermore , the detailed approaches on the establishment of pedestrian system are also studied , including founding full pedestrian zone , integrating the urban pedestrian paths , and establishing high - density - walking .

  28. 研究表明,多层次的步行化措施,具有多种混合功能、呈现地区范围扩展趋势的步行街网络形态,是德国城市中心步行区的典型特征。

    Studies have shown that the pedestrian area of Germany is featured by multilevel , multifunction and pedestrian net form of area extending trend .