
  • 网络THE RHINE VALLEY;Middle Rhine Valley
  1. 莱茵河谷的葡萄酒闻名于全世界。

    Wine from the Rhine Valley is famous all over the world .

  2. 德国莱茵河谷中上段。

    Upper middle Rhine Valley , Germany .

  3. 今天,穿过莱茵河谷的主要途径是通过陆路两条平行的高速公路。

    Today the principal route through it is by road , along two parallel motorways .

  4. 莱茵河谷的雷司令无论是在德国还是世界上都是被属于最好的白葡萄酒,尤其是让人惊叹的果香和不同的高品质。

    Rieslings from the Rhinegau are in Germany and internationally among the most admired wines , especially here they have an amazing fruit with plenty of character .