
  • 网络Leticia;Letizia;princess Letizia
  1. 莱蒂西亚•卡多纳(LeticiaCardona)和其他5位当地妇女在这里缝制床单被罩,但受到了中国进口产品的冲击。

    Leticia Cardona and five other local women sew sheets and bed covers but have found themselves badly undercut by Chinese imports .

  2. 但是,当他离开之后,那个律师再也找不到莱蒂西亚。

    But when he left , the lawyer couldn 't find Leticia Barris any more .

  3. 安东尼娅莱蒂西亚阿斯蒂刚过了61岁生日,她生下了一对双胞胎。

    Antonia Leticia Asti gave birth to twins just one week after her 61st birthday .

  4. “我们十分高兴,”墨西哥城的律师莱蒂西亚。博尼法斯说,其为墨西哥城案件进行辩护。

    " We are very happy ," said Mexico City lawyer Leticia Bonifaz , who argued Mexico City 's case .

  5. 我的朋友莱蒂西亚是中美洲国家洪都拉斯人,每次约定见面的时候,我都会事先问她是依据北美时间到达还是拉美时间到达。

    Before meeting with my friend Leticia from honduras , central america , I would ask her if she was arriving according to North American time or Latin American time .

  6. 她们和私人银行家利齐·蒂施、卡塔尔的谢哈·莫扎(王妃)、作家凯西·弗雷斯顿以及来自阿斯图里亚斯的西班牙王储妃莱蒂西亚携手入围“全球十佳着装女性”榜单。

    They joined private bankerLizzie Tisch , Sheikha Mozah of Qatar , writer Kathy Freston , and Princess Letizia of Asturias , wife to the heir to the Spanish throne , on the list of 10 best-dressed women .