
  • 网络Lefschetz;S. Lefschetz;Solomon Lefschetz
  1. S.莱夫谢茨是拓扑学的先驱,拓扑学是普林斯顿数学系的核心,也是现代数学的重要进展。

    S. Lefschetz was a pioneer in topology , which was at the centre of Princeton mathematics , and indeed a principal growth point of modern mathematics ,

  2. 5月31日有一个口头考评,评委是丘奇、莱夫谢茨和H.F.波布拉斯特,

    There was an oral examination on 31 May , conducted by Church , Lefschetz and H.F. Bohnenblust .

  3. J.V.诺伊曼,怀尔,柯朗,哈代,爱因斯坦,莱夫谢茨,还有其他一些人。

    J.v. Neumann , Weyl , Courant , Hardy , Einstein , Lefschetz , as well as hosts of smaller fry .

  4. 但艾伦和莱夫谢茨的交往,仅仅是莱夫谢茨问他能否听懂L.P.艾森哈特的黎曼几何讲座,而艾伦则认为这个问题非常无礼。

    but Alan 's personal contact with him was probably characterised by an occasion when Lefschetz questioned whether he would understand L.P. Eisenhart 's lecture course on Riemannian geometry , a question Alan considered insulting .