
  • 网络lexington;LEx
  1. 777有一个近乎完美的安全记录,在20年的飞行中基本上从未发生值得警惕的机械故障,总部位于弗吉尼亚州的莱克星顿研究所(LexingtonInstitute)分析师劳伦汤普森(LorenThompson)表示。

    The 777 has a near-perfect safety record , with essentially no mechanical malfunctions noted in two decades of flight , Loren Thompson , an analyst at the Virginia-based Lexington Institute , said .

  2. 在这样不景气的就业情况下,很少有总统能连任(详见莱克星顿)。

    Presidents are seldom re-elected on such dismal job performance ( see Lexington ) .

  3. 这样看来是在莱克星顿和康科德;

    So it was at Lexington and Concord .

  4. 1775年4月9日,第一场战争在马萨诸塞州康科德镇的莱克星顿打响。

    The first armed action took place in Lexington and Concord , Massachusetts , on April 19 , 1775 .

  5. 被毁掉的生活,被侵占的城市,波士顿的街头喋血,现在轮到了莱克星顿。

    The Shattered lives ... an occupied city ... blood in the streets of Boston ... and now Lexington .

  6. 1775年,在莱克星顿和康科德城爆发了战争,这标志着美国之革命战争的开始。

    In1775 , the Lexington concord and the war broke out , which marks the start of a revolutionary war .

  7. 该市是著名的良种马饲养中心,1775年以莱克星顿战役命名。

    A noted center for the raising of thoroughbred horses , it was named in1775 after the Battle of Lexington . Population , 204,165 .

  8. 康科德的战斗以及莱克星顿“声震全世界的一枪”,实际上非正式地宣布了殖民地独立战争的开始。

    The battle of Concord and its " shot heard round the world " would mark the unofficial beginning of the colonies war for independence .

  9. 由第七条路交通线上的时代广场到莱克星顿交线上的中央火车站最方便的路就是飞梭地铁。

    The Shuttle is a convenient way to get from Times Square on the Seventh Avenue line to Grand Central on the Lexington Avenue Line .

  10. 1775年4月19日,午夜后900名英国士兵从波士顿开拔,前往20英里以外的莱克星顿和康科德。

    April 19 , 1775 . After midnight , 900 redcoats leave their barracks in Boston for Lexington and Concord , about 20 miles away .

  11. 在肯塔基州莱克星顿,当我走出后院时,我向东南方看见了一个白色闪光点。

    Was out in my back yard in Lexington when I happened to look up towards the south east and a white flash caught my eye .

  12. 注意,庞先生,我现在迟到了,要去莱克星顿大街和我冤家碰面,可是我何时能再去?

    Look , Persky , I 'm right now late to meet the ball and chain at Lexington Avenue , but when can I go again ?

  13. 设在华盛顿附近的莱克星顿研究所的古巴问题分析员彼得斯说,这项议案有可能明年年初在国会获得通过。

    Phil Peters , a Cuba analyst for the Lexington Institute near Washington , says the bill has a good chance of winning approval early next year .

  14. 保罗·里维尔及时到达莱克星顿通报消息,英军正在进逼,快去通知民兵,召集大家,快。

    Paul Revere reaches Lexington ... in time to spread the word . The British are coming . We need to warn the militia . Get ' em together . Come on !

  15. 距离华尔街3英里,在今天第23大街与莱克星顿街的交汇处,起义军为固守纽约正在基普斯湾挖掘战壕,乔治·华盛顿作为总司令指挥着这支起义军。

    Three miles from Wall Street , where 23rd Street crosses Lexington Avenue today the Rebels digin to defend New York at Kips Bay . Commander of the Rebel Army is General GeorgeWashington .

  16. 队长约翰·帕克曾经为英军效力,他手下四分之一的人都是自己亲属,没人知道是谁打响了莱克星顿的第一枪,但这一枪响彻世界。

    Captain John Parker once fought on the side of the British . 1 / 4 of the men standing at his side are related to him . No one knows who fires the first shot at Lexington ... but it 's the shot heard ' round theworld .