
táng níng jiē
  • Downing Street
唐宁街[táng níng jiē]
  1. 昨天深夜唐宁街发表了一项声明。

    Downing Street issued a statement late last night .

  2. 唐宁街10号是英国首相的官邸。

    10 Downing Street is the British Prime Minister 's official residence .

  3. 唐宁街十号对此不作评论。

    Number Ten had nothing to say on the matter .

  4. 他召集老资格的统一派政客参加唐宁街10号的会议。

    He called senior Unionist politicians to a meeting at Number Ten

  5. 从1982年起唐宁街就已禁止公众进入。

    Downing Street has been off limits to the general public since 1982

  6. 在唐宁街进行了长达3个小时的内阁会议后发布了这份公告。

    The announcement came after a three-hour Cabinet meeting in Downing Street .

  7. 今天早晨首相从巴黎回到了唐宁街。

    The Prime Minister arrived back at Downing Street from Paris this morning

  8. 一个缩头弓身的孤独身影从唐宁街10号出来了。

    A solitary hunched figure emerged from Number Ten

  9. 唐宁街否认连夜赶工改拟了文本。

    Downing Street denied there had been a hurried overnight redrafting of the text .

  10. 布朗已经把精通技术的通讯工作人员带到的唐宁街

    Gordon Brown , belying his clunking image , has brought tech-savvy communications staff into Downing Street .

  11. 走出唐宁街10号(10DowningStreet)时,他看起来就是个十足的首相。

    Stepping out of 10 Downing Street , he looks every inch the prime minister .

  12. 他渴望在唐宁街取代戴维•卡梅伦(DavidCameron)。

    He aches to replace David Cameron in Downing Street .

  13. 有个人在唐宁街(DowningStreet)呆了10年之后很不情愿地卸了任。

    Here is a man who is leaving office reluctantly after 10 years in Downing Street .

  14. 现在看来,这只唐宁街的家猫Larry因为太过贪睡而失去了主人的宠爱。

    Now it seems Larry the Downing Street moggy has had one cat nap too many for his owner 's liking .

  15. 根据ThePeople网站的报道,此次事件的导火索是在周四时,首相在唐宁街10号的书房里发现一只老鼠在溜达而Larry却在椅子上贪睡。

    The breaking point came on Thursday when the Prime Minister found Larry asleep on his chair in his Number 10 study as a mouse ran across the room , according to The People .

  16. 卡梅伦是自拿破仑战争(Napoleonicwars)以来入主唐宁街10号的最年轻的首相就连托尼布莱尔(TonyBlair)当年成为首相时也要比他大上几个月。

    Mr Cameron is the youngest occupant of 10 Downing Street since the Napoleonic wars ( Tony Blair was older by a few months ) .

  17. 他说多年来,每次拜访唐宁街10号(10DowningStreet)时,他都不得不应各任首相要求从后门进入&这时候他的语气流露出一丝伤感。

    There was a touch of pathos as he said that for years , when he visited 10 Downing Street , he had to come in via the back door , at the request of successive prime ministers .

  18. 唐宁街(DowningStreet)说,撒切尔的葬礼将于下周在伦敦圣保罗大教堂(St.Paul'sCathedral)举行,之后将举行私人的火葬仪式。

    Downing Street said Mrs. Thatcher 's funeral service will be held next week at St. Paul 's Cathedral in London , and will be followed by a private cremation .

  19. 新任保守党党魁特丽莎‧梅(TheresaMay)本周三成为英国第二位女首相,在退欧公投三周后入主唐宁街10号官邸。

    Theresa May , the new Conservative Party leader , will become Britain 's second female prime minister on Wednesday , entering 10 Downing Street three weeks after Britain voted to leave the European Union .

  20. 想要知道他的打算只有一个办法:让他搬进唐宁街十号(首相办公地点,pp注),而且在他觉得有足够理由提前进行大选之前用足够的时间来评价他。

    The only way to find that out is to have him move next door , to10 Downing Street & and with sufficient time to evaluate him before he feels it legitimate to call an early general election .

  21. 梅和丈夫菲利普(Philip)很可能会站在唐宁街10号前,和卡梅伦及其家人拍一张合照,就像他们的前任所做的那样。

    She and her husband , Philip , will most likely pose for a photo in front of 10 Downing Street with Mr. Cameron and his family , as their predecessors have done .

  22. 在本杰明•迪斯雷利(BenjaminDisraeli)担任英国首相时出生、并在有生之年看到爱德华•希斯(EdwardHeath)入主唐宁街的人,见证了马拉交通被汽车和飞机取代。

    Someone born when Benjamin Disraeli was prime minister and who lived to see Edward Heath in Downing Street would have witnessed horse-drawn transport give way to cars and aircraft .

  23. 本周一,在保守党领导权的角逐中,内政大臣特丽莎·梅(TheresaMay)获得了突如其来的胜利,将首相卡梅伦置于了尴尬境地——他需要在大约48小时的时间里搬离唐宁街的官邸。

    The sudden victory of Theresa May , Britain 's home secretary , in the Conservative Party 's leadership contest on Monday put Prime Minister David Cameron in the unenviable position of having to vacate his residence in about 48 hours .

  24. 他们认为,天生幽默细胞丰富的约翰逊,是21世纪英国领导人的绝佳人选,尽管假如此人真的进了唐宁街(downingstreet)这也不是不可能的事这个玩笑可能就开大了。

    Mr Johnson , with his brilliant gift for comedy , seems to them a perfectly appropriate leader for 21st century Britain , though the joke may become less funny if as is not impossible the mayor ever reaches Downing Street .

  25. 但英国的严重欺诈办公室(SFO)最近展开了自己的刑事调查,唐宁街周二在这件事上采取了微妙的姿态。一位发言人说:葛兰素史克是一家实力强大的英国公司。

    But the Serious Fraud Office has since opened its own criminal investigation and Downing Street on Tuesday adopted a nuanced stance : GSK is a strong British company .

  26. 这是人们近期记忆中最快的政治过渡事件之一。住在唐宁街的一家人中,唯一没有卷入尴尬的成员就是猫咪拉里(LarrytheCat)了。他是一只拥有内阁办公室首席捕鼠官头衔的虎斑猫。

    The only member of the household on Downing Street to be spared the indignity of one of the fastest political transitions in recent memory will be Larry the Cat , a tabby who holds the title of chief mouser to the cabinet office .

  27. Freya在此前曾走失三年,现在回到唐宁街,大家都认为是一个更加严厉的街头杀手。

    Freya , who returned to Downing Street after going missing for three years , is thought to an altogether tougher and more street-wise predator .

  28. 英国政府坚称,这两起事件都没有泄露敏感信息,但它们显示出唐宁街与GCHQ在安全事务安排方面都存在明显漏洞。

    Number 10 insisted no sensitive information was released in either instance , but the affair revealed glaring holes in security arrangements both in Downing Street and at GCHQ .

  29. 布莱尔发言时,他的妻子切丽(Cherie)、4个孩子中的3个以及这位首相许多最亲密的助手神情庄重在一边旁观,他们在唐宁街10号的十年即将划上句号。

    As Mr Blair spoke , his wife Cherie , three of their four children and many of the prime minister 's closest aides looked on solemnly as their decade in 10 Downing Street drew to a close .

  30. 原本卡梅隆先生和克莱格先生交流思想的理想会面——唐宁街内部人士将其戏称为一位自由的保守党与一位保守的自由党的合作——在意识到AV的争夺会是一场零和博弈的时候气氛骤降。

    The ideological meeting of minds between Mr Cameron and Mr Clegg - a liberal conservative working with a conservative liberal , in the happy phrase-making of Downing Street insiders - has been chilled by the realisation that the AV fight is a zero-sum game for the pair .