
  • 网络Currency Act
  1. 吊诡的是如果美国根据货币法案的条款对中国施加关税惩罚,中国就能成功的在WTO提起一项针对美国的投诉(申诉)。

    The odds are that if America imposed tariffs on China under the bill 's provisions , China could successfully bring a complaint against America at the WTO .

  2. 这位参议员以其反对货币法案的发言表示挑战。

    The Senator threw down the glove by his speech against the currency bill .

  3. 如果白宫和外交政策界真的对应对中国这么感兴趣,我们就应该更强硬地通过一项货币法案,让我们得以在这些问题上针锋相对,布朗说。

    If the White House and our foreign policy community were so interested in dealing with China , we would have been much more aggressive in passing a currency bill that would allow us to go toe to toe on these issues , Mr. Brown said .

  4. 随着美国国会通过了一项针对中国货币的法案,关于美国是否应该对中国采取强硬的措施的争论再一次被点燃。

    WITH a China currency bill making its way through Congress , the debate over whether America ought to get tough with China is firing up yet again .

  5. 除了货币举措,该法案还要求创建一个跨部门贸易执法中心和对不公平交易行为立即作出回应的系统,比如以低于生产成本的价格出口产品的倾销行为。

    Besides the currency measure , it includes the creation of an interagency trade enforcement center and a system to respond faster to unfair trade practices like the dumping of exports at prices below the cost of production .