
huò lún
  • freighter;cargo ship
货轮 [huò lún]
  • [freighter] 专司运货用的器船

货轮[huò lún]
  1. 货轮绕过好望角,驶入大西洋。

    The freighter rounded the Cape of Good Hope and sailed into the Atlantic .

  2. 货轮已经出海。

    The freighter has put out to sea .

  3. 6艘万吨货轮可以同时在这个码头停靠。

    Six 10000-ton freighters can berth at this dock .

  4. 这个港口容得下巨型油船和货轮。

    The harbour admits large tankers and freighters .

  5. 在即将破晓时,货轮慢慢地浮了起来。

    Then , just before dawn , the ship slowly regained buoyancy .

  6. 他表示,为了让货轮脱困,挖掘机挖走了3万立方米的泥沙,并动用了13艘拖船。

    He said 30000 cubic metres of sand had been dredged to help free the vessel , which had been pulled free using 13 tugboats .

  7. 6.shipyardn.造船厂一艘新型的远洋货轮正在那家船厂建造。

    A new-type ocean-going freighter is being laid down at that shipyard .

  8. 1920年颁布的《琼斯法案》(JonesAct)本意是保护美国货船和航运业免受国际竞争(或战争)的冲击,结果却导致美国货轮在公海上销声匿迹。

    The 1920 Jones Act , intended to protect US ships and shipping from international competition ( or war ) has effectively wiped them off the high seas .

  9. 站在拉各斯岛(lagosisland)的海边,你能清楚地看见巨型货轮正驶入码头。

    From the edge of Lagos Island you have a clear view of the giant cargo ships coming in to dock .

  10. 总部位于雅典的船舶管理公司MinervaMarine也证实,在获得一艘货轮的租金方面出现了问题。

    Minerva Marine , an Athens-based ship management company , also confirmed it was having problems securing payments for one vessel .

  11. ANZResearch在一份研究报告里称,新规定其实是对载重吨超过25万吨货轮不得停靠中国港口禁令的延续。

    In a research note , ANZ Research described the new rules as a ' continued ban ' on cargo receipts of any vessels carrying more than 250,000 dwt .

  12. 禁止化学武器组织表示,美国正在为“CapeRay”号货轮配备现代化设备,准备在海上销毁大部分危险的化学武器。

    The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons says the U.S. is modifying the MV Cape Ray cargo ship with state of the art equipment to neutralise the most dangerous weapons at sea .

  13. 这艘客轮在即将进入塔里萨伊市的海港时与一艘货轮相撞,并在LawisLedge附近沉没。

    The passenger vessel was about to enter the sea port in Talisay City when it collided with a cargo vessel and sank near Lawis Ledge .

  14. 海门港外航道水深浅(最浅处达1.2m)且距离长,吃水深的重载货轮都须乘潮进港。

    The outer channel of Haimen Port is very shallow and lengthy . The shallowest water is only 1.2m from the water surface .

  15. 美国的集装箱运输船队的平均历史为25年,3E级货轮更新的替代型号将在其它国家开发和建造。

    The US container shipping fleet is an average of 25 years old and the newer alternatives to the Triple-E will be developed and manufactured elsewhere .

  16. 随后,美国财政部对5家irisl幌子公司和27艘货轮进行制裁,同时查出71艘改头换面的irisl船只。

    Subsequently the US Treasury sanctioned five IRISL front companies and 27 vessels , and also identified 71 renamed IRISL vessels .

  17. 尽管当今科学家能够为这一地区的多起失踪事件提供合理的解释,但仍有一些疑团尚待解决,这里面就包括美国海军Proteus级别的货轮“独眼巨人号”的失踪。

    Even though scientists are nowadays able to provide logical explanations for most of the disappearances in that area , some have never been explained , including the unsolved disappearance of the USS Cyclops , a Proteus-class collier of the US Navy .

  18. 这艘船大约相当于4个足球场的长度,是有史以来建造的运能最大的集装箱货轮,一次能够装运1.6万个20呎标准箱(TEU)。TEU是业界衡量集装箱容量的单位标准。

    The ship – about the length of four soccer pitches – is the biggest container vessel ever built in terms of capacity , capable of carrying 16,000 twenty-foot equivalent units ( TEUs ), the industry standard measure for a container .

  19. 我一国贸转的毕业生,却是第一次看到港口的货轮。

    First time to see the port and ship for goods .

  20. 他们建成一个凸式码头供停靠远洋货轮使用。

    They have thrown out a pier to accommodate oceangoing freighters .

  21. 货轮那天晚上驶出了圣地亚哥湾。

    The freighter steered out of Santiago Bay that evening .

  22. 这艘货轮能够不停靠码头连续航行十五天。

    This freighter can sail for 15 days without docking .

  23. 这艘货轮停泊在十个港口,进行修理。

    The freighter put in at a port for repairs .

  24. 货轮在港口靠岸装货。

    The freighter put in at the port to take on cargoes .

  25. 这般货轮可不停靠码头作环球持续航行。

    This freighter can sail around the world without doing .

  26. 昨晚一艘货轮与一艘载着原油的油轮相撞。

    Last night a cargo ship collided with a tanker carrying crude oil .

  27. 每艘深舱货轮交货时,支付船价的25%。

    E.25 % of the Unit Price on the delivery of each DHCS .

  28. 这里正在建造几艘远洋货轮。

    Several ocean-going ships are being laid down here .

  29. 该货轮用来把小船上的鱼运输到各个港口。

    The ship hauls fish from boats to ports .

  30. 该港口可停泊大型邮轮和货轮。

    The harbor admits large liners and cargo boats .