
  • 网络Prime Minister of Ukraine
  1. 本文作者是乌克兰总理

    The writer is prime minister of Ukraine

  2. 前乌克兰总理

    Former prime minister of Ukraine

  3. 乌克兰总理YuliaTymoshenko对该折扣比较满意。

    Ukraine Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko praises the discount .

  4. 乌克兰总理季莫申科(YuliaTymoshenko)对记者表示,乌克兰需要IMF的资金来充实其外汇储备和银行的资本金。

    Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko told reporters the country needed IMF funds to strengthen its foreign-currency reserves and its banks'capital .

  5. 想想最近当选为乌克兰总理的尤利娅季莫申科(yuliatimoshenko),她在几年前被解除这一职务。

    Just consider Yulia Tymoshenko , the recently elected Ukrainian Prime Minister ousted from that same position a few years ago .

  6. 乌克兰总理季莫申科能源顾问古德马告知VOA,俄罗斯和乌克兰之间没有签订天然气运输合同,这使乌克兰有可能陷入负债状态。

    But Oleksiy Hudyma , energy advisor to Prime Minister Tymoshenko , told VOA Russia and Ukraine have no gas transport contract , which exposes his country to possible financial liabilities .

  7. 当季莫申科于二零零五年就任乌克兰总理之时,其显著特征便是对企业私有化的争议与燃油价格的炒作。

    Her period as Prime Minister in2005 was marked by talk of reviewing privatisation deals and capping fuel prices .

  8. 乌克兰总理阿扎罗夫星期二对议员表示,调查人员正在出事地点同紧急救护人员一起工作,来确定事故发生的原因。

    Ukrainian Prime Minister Azarov told lawmakers that investigators are working alongside emergency personnel at the crash site to determine what happened .

  9. 其他参加不断扩大的博鳌峰会的世界领导人还有日本首相、韩国总理、西班牙首相和乌克兰总理。

    Other leaders who were at the enlarged Boao meeting included the prime ministers of Japan , South Korea , Spain and the Ukraine .

  10. 乌克兰总理阿尔谢尼·亚采纽克表示,乌克兰正面临着在联合国安理会拥有否决权的俄罗斯的军事入侵。

    Ukraine 's prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk says his country is facing military aggression from Russia , a veto-holder on the UN Security Council .

  11. 乌克兰总理季莫申科星期六签署的一个协议因为俄罗斯反对她在协议中加进的一些文字而流产。

    An earlier protocol , which Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko signed on Saturday , fell apart over Russian objections to remarks she added to the agreement .

  12. 乌克兰总理季莫申科的能源顾问、议员古德马说,乌克兰已经作好充分准备为其使用的天然气付费。

    The energy advisor for Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko , parliamentarian Oleksiy Hudyma , says his country is fully prepared to pay for the gas it consumes .

  13. 在基辅,乌克兰总理季莫申科表示,全面恢复向欧洲输送天然气已经被推迟,因为俄罗斯提供的少量天然气不能产生通过管道输送天然气所需要的压力。

    In Kyiv , Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko said the full resumption of gas deliveries to Europe were being delayed because the small amount of gas provided by Russia does not create the pressure needed transport the gas through the pipeline .

  14. 现在乌克兰代总理阿尔谢尼·亚采纽克,与欧盟签署这项协定是重要的表态。

    Now Ukraine 's acting Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk says signing this agreement with Europe is an important statement .

  15. 乌克兰前总理季莫申科星期三将在基辅就滥用职权指控出庭。

    Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko will stand trial in Kyiv on Wednesday , charged with abuse of power .

  16. 今天,乌克兰临时总理发表了具有约束力的声明,谴责乌克兰议会并宣布辞职。

    Ukraine 's interim Prime Minister delivered a binding condemnation of the country 's parliament today and announced his resigning .

  17. 今年2月,他在接受乌克兰临时总理一职后的开场词是:欢迎来到地狱。

    Accepting the post of interim prime minister of Ukraine in February , his opening words were : Welcome to hell .

  18. 乌克兰美女总理上时尚杂志封面(图)

    Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko has appeared on the front cover of Elle magazine in Ukraine posing in a designer dress .

  19. 2010年02月22日乌克兰现任总理、总统候选人之一季莫申科20号撤回对2月7号总统选举第二轮投票存在舞弊行为的诉讼。

    2010-02-22 Ukrainian prime minister and presidential candidate , Yulia Tymoshenko , on Saturday ( Feb.20 ) withdrew her appeal against the Feb.7 presidential run-off results .

  20. 乌克兰临时总理在联合国安理会商讨乌克兰危机的会议上直接与俄罗斯对话。

    Ukraine 's interim prime minister has made a direct appeal for talk with Russia in the UN Security Council meeting on the crisis in his country .

  21. 乌克兰临时总理阿尔谢尼·亚采纽克表示,乌克兰政府已经完成一项法律的起草工作,这项法律规定,占领政府大楼的亲俄派抗议者如果缴械可获特赦。

    Ukrainian interim Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk says his government has finished drafting a law that will offer amnesty to pro-Russia protestors who disarm , as they leave occupied government buildings .

  22. 包括乌克兰总统和总理在内的官员为遇难者举行了告别仪式。

    A farewell ceremony for the victims was held with officials including Ukraine 's President and Prime Minister attending .

  23. 乌克兰第一副总理图尔奇诺夫星期一指责说,俄罗斯没有为输送到欧洲的天然气向乌克兰交纳高达7亿美元的管道中转费。

    On Monday , Ukraine 's First Deputy Prime Minister Oleksandr Turchynov accused Russia of failing to pay his country as much as $ 700 million in pipeline transit fees for gas deliveries to Europe .

  24. 阿尔谢尼·亚采纽克自乌克兰亲俄派总统于2月份逃离乌克兰后开始担任总理职务。

    Arseniy Yatsenyuk has been Prime Minister since Ukraine 's pro-Russian president fled the country in February .

  25. 乌克兰官方并未立刻对这一消息予以公开回应。不过乌克兰总理周五曾要求政府做好天然气供应被切断的准备,并要求一旦与Gazprom的价格谈判失败,就向斯德哥尔摩仲裁法庭发起诉讼。

    There was no immediate public response from officials in Ukraine , where the prime minister on Friday ordered government to prepare for a natural gas cut-off and to initiate a Stockholm arbitration tribunal if price negotiations with Gazprom failed .

  26. 乌克兰抗议运动的领导者罢免了乌克兰总统,现在,他们推举出一名杰出的议员来担任乌克兰新总理。

    Leaders of a protest movement in Ukraine which has ousted that country 's president are now putting forth a prominent lawmaker as their choice to be the country 's new prime minister .