
  • 网络utopianism;utopian thought;Messianism
  1. 詹姆逊文化乌托邦思想的研究

    A Study of Utopianism in Jameson 's Culture Theory

  2. 而之后那些方向错误的计划,都是穷极无聊和乌托邦思想混杂的产物。

    The misguided projects that followed came from a mix of boredom and utopianism .

  3. 第三部分:探索小说反映的女性成长的反乌托邦思想。

    Part ⅲ: Exploring anti-utopian thinking in women ' growth .

  4. 对法兰克福学派审美乌托邦思想的再认识

    Reconsiderations on the Thought of Aesthetic Utopia of the School of Frankfurt

  5. 信息化乌托邦思想批判&论信息时代城市体系的极化现象

    The Polarization Phenomenon of Urban System in Information Age

  6. 结语部分:席勒、马尔库塞审美乌托邦思想的现代意义。

    Conclusive part : The modern significance of Schiler and Marcuse 's aesthetic Utopia .

  7. 蒂里希乌托邦思想的本体论分析

    Ontological Analysis of Tillich 's Thought of Utopia

  8. 广告乌托邦思想的解析

    The Analysis of Utopian Thought in Advertisement

  9. 反乌托邦思想的出现是现代性的必然结果。

    The rise of the anti - utopia thoughts is the inevitable consequence of modernity .

  10. 马克思主义与乌托邦思想

    Marxism and the Utopian Thought Frederic Jameson

  11. 洪秀全制定了一个折衷的意识形态,将早先儒家的乌托邦思想与新教的信仰结合起来。

    Hong formulated an eclectic ideology combining the ideals of pre-Confucian utopianism with Protestant beliefs .

  12. 文化乌托邦思想的建构

    The Constuction of Culture Utopia

  13. 但他的思想中却有着许多同古典乌托邦思想一样的谬误。

    However , his thinking has a lot of the same fallacy with the classic Utopian thinking .

  14. 乌托邦思想源远流长,乌托邦文学也在西方文学中占有重要的一席之地。

    Utopia has a long history and the utopia literature occupies an important place in western literature .

  15. 一方面阐述了历史语境中审美乌托邦思想的内涵与特性;

    On the one hand , it described the intension and characteristics of aesthetic Utopia in historical situation ;

  16. 在此基础上,第三部分梳理从传统乌托邦思想到反面乌托邦的嬗变的轨迹。

    On the basis the third parts puts in order the trace of alteration from traditional utopian idea to dystopia .

  17. 西方马克思主义乌托邦思想是乌托邦理论的新形态,是对现代资本主义各类社会矛盾深刻批判后的理论结晶。

    The Western Marxism utopian thinking is new forms of utopian theory that it profoundly criticizes various social contradictions of modern capitalism .

  18. 绪论阐述乌托邦思想的发展脉络,以及文学史上从乌托邦主题到反乌托邦主题的嬗变。

    It describes the developing thread of Utopian thoughts and the evolution from Utopia to Anti - Utopia in the history of literature .

  19. 本体论的方法是他最重要的思维方法,终极关怀是其乌托邦思想的核心。

    The ontological method is his most important thinking method . The idea of ultimate concern is the core of his thought of utopia .

  20. 古代东西方乌托邦思想之比较&读《理想国》与《礼记·礼运》有感

    A Comparison of the Ideas of Utopia in between the Ancient East and West & A Reading of The Republic and The Book of Rites

  21. 詹姆逊从这三方面吸取所有文化的积极因素,形成具有包容性和多元性的文化乌托邦思想。

    Adopting all of the positive factors of culture , from the three points , Jameson concludes the thought of Utopia culture with comprisal and pluralism .

  22. 第二章主要是介绍柏林思想的主要内容&对积极自由和乌托邦思想的批判,以及他关于消极自由和积极自由相区分的创造性观点。

    The second chapter introduces the main elements of thinking in Berlin & utopian ideas of positive freedom and criticism , and his negative freedom and positive freedom of distinguished creative ideas .

  23. 只要跳出原来的成见就可以发现,法兰克福学派的审美乌托邦思想有其存在的合理性及独特的价值和意义。

    As long as we jump out of the preconceived idea can we find that the existence of the thought of aesthetic Utopia of the School of Frankfurt has its own rationality unique value .

  24. 陈航峰说道:泡沫轻盈而多彩,十分有趣,但就像围绕世博会的各种乌托邦思想一样,它们也很脆弱,容易破裂。

    Bubbles are light and colourful and full of fun , says Mr Chen . But , like the utopian ideas that surround the Expo , they are also fragile and easy to pop .

  25. 不可否认,消极审美救世主义的弊端是显而易见的,但是法兰克福学派的审美乌托邦思想不仅只是如此的一无是处。

    It is beyond doubt that the malpractice of the negative doctrine of world-saving is obvious , but the malpractice of the thought of aesthetic Utopia of the School of Frankfurt is more than this .

  26. 近年来,西方马克思主义在中国学术界得到密切关注,但对乌托邦思想的研究仍然不够,在国内学者的阐释和译介中,甚至出现了乌托邦概念运用上的疑虑。

    In recent years , the Chinese academic circles close attention to the Western Marxism , but still not enough research on utopian thinking , even the doubts generated of the use of the utopian concept in the interpretation of domestic scholars and translation .

  27. 第三章论述现代集合住宅在欧美的传播和发展过程,介绍这一时期的有代表性的集合住宅类型和建筑师的成就,以及乌托邦思想和恩格斯《论住宅问题》的内容和意义。

    Chapter Three discusses how the Modern Collective Housing spread and developed in both America and Europe , and introduces the representative achievement of architects and its types during this period . The Utopian idea , the content and importance of the book issues about housing by Angels are discussed .

  28. 关于实施农村乌托邦的思想一直强烈地吸引着新英格兰的激进分子。

    Ideas of rural utopias have always fascinated the radicals of new england .

  29. 论20世纪英语反乌托邦文学之思想意蕴及反讽艺术

    On the Contained Significance and Art of Irony of 20 ~ ( th ) Century English Anti-Utopian Literature

  30. 乌托邦是贯穿人类思想史的一条线索。

    Utopia is a clue through the history of human being .