
  • 网络A Treatise on Money;monetary approach;Sticky-price Monetary Approach
  1. 货币论者的通货膨胀学说

    Monetarist theory of inflation

  2. 重返关贸总协定与通货膨胀的国际传递&兼析当代西方通货膨胀国际传递货币论

    Returning to GATT and the International Transmission of Inflation & also Analyzing the Theory of Modern Inflation in the West

  3. 货币契约论&基于国际货币契约的研究

    Theory of Currency Contract Based on International Currency Contract Study

  4. 人口与货币需求论

    Population and Currency Demand

  5. 货币数量论从货币数量与物价变动的关系得出货币具有外生性;

    The money quantity theory claimed that money is exogenous from the relation of money quantity and aggregate price fluctuation ;

  6. 货币价值论是马克思货币理论的基础,是马克思劳动价值论应用于货币问题分析的产物及深化。

    The monetary value is the foundation of Marx monetary theory as well as the product and deepening of applying Marx 's Labor Value to the monetary analysis .

  7. 传统货币数量论认为,货币供应量与物价之间存在稳定的正相关,即货币供应量增加会带来物价的同步上涨。

    The traditional quantity theory of money considered that there was a direct proportion between money supply and price , that is to say the increase of money supply will bring prices synchronous rise .

  8. 除了劳动价值论以外,西方经济学界还存在四种其他价值理论,它们是货币价值论、使用价值价值论、生产要素价值论、供求价值论。

    Beside labor value theory , there are other four kinds of value theories in western economics circle , i.e. money value theory , use-value value theory , production factor value theory , and supply-demand value theory .

  9. 本文从古典经济学家对货币价值论的研究成果出发,系统阐释了马克思货币价值论的基本思想、逻辑结构及马克思理解货币的特点。

    Through the researches on monetary value by the classical economists , this paper expounds systematically the primary concepts and the logical structures of Marx monetary value as well as the characteristics of Marx 's understanding of money .

  10. 通过实证形式,对庇古所提的“余额说”,马歇尔、凯恩斯的“余额说”货币数量论式子进行了剖析,并“纠正”其谬误之处。

    Through real example form , to shelter ancient propose " remaining sum say ", Marshall , Keynes " remaining sum say " the monetary quantity has been analyzed in terms of the posture , and " correct " in the place of its falsehood .

  11. 货币作用阶段论

    On the stages of Money 's Function

  12. 杜冈被认为是非货币投资过度论的开创者,影响了一大批经济学家。

    Tugan is considered as the pioneer of The Nonmonetary Overinvestment Theory analysis and has a great influence on other economists .

  13. 关于通货紧缩的危害,主要有凯恩斯的社会生产低效论、格林斯潘的货币政策失效论和佩里的相对固定支出成本增加论等。

    As for the negative effects of deflation , there are principally Keyness low efficiency of social production , failure of monetary policy , and increase of relative fixed expenditure cost .

  14. 事实上,货币非中性论更接近真理,正是货币非中性论构成了货币政策有效性的理论前提之一,为中央银行金融宏观调控提供了理论基础。

    In fact ," view of non-neutral nature " is close to the truth , which makes up one of the theory premises of monetary policy effectiveness , offering a theoretical base for the central bank to make macro-regulation over finance .

  15. 在我国,现实经济运行环境与货币政策有效论的假设条件更为接近,大多数理论学者和经验证据也都倾向于支持名义变量与实际变量并非完全可分,二者之间存在显著关联性。

    In China , the economy environments are more closed to the hypothesize of the opinion that the monetary policy is in effect , and many scholars and empirical evidences trend to support that real economy can not separate from nominal economy , and there are significant correlations with them .

  16. 货币之战:论抗日根据地的金融稳定政策

    Currency War : The Policy of Financial Stability in Anti-Japanese Base Areas

  17. 马克思货币理论与西方货币数量论比较研究

    The comparison study of Marx 's monetary theory and western quantity theory of money

  18. 货币、货币哲学与货币数量论

    Money , Philosophy of Money and the Quantity Theory of Money

  19. 在理论综述部分,作者着重指出严格说来古典货币理论是一种长期货币中性论,而一些研究笼统地将古典货币理论等同于中性货币论是有失偏颇的。

    In this part of the essay , the author point out that the classical monetary theories are the long run monetary neutrality theories .

  20. 传统西方经济理论将货币政策有效性理论分为货币政策有效论和无效论。

    The traditional economic theory divides effectiveness of monetary policy into valid and invalid .

  21. 自古典经济学派就开始研究货币与产出的关系,并通过货币数量论得出货币中性的结论。此后,各大经济学派都对这一课题进行了研究,但结论不一。

    Since the Classical Economics School began to study the relationship between money and output and draw the monetary neutrality conclusion by the quantity theory of money , almost all the major economic schools studied this topic , but never drew the same conclusion .

  22. 货币学派则在代表人物弗里德曼的带领下以货币数量论和永久收入加说为基础,提出了以货币政策能解决所有问题的结论。

    Monetary school is in the representative figure in monetary led Friedman number theory and permanent income plus said as the foundation , put forward by the monetary policy can solve all problems conclusion .

  23. 这表明货币供给量是导致物价变动的一个关键因素,同货币数量论是一致的。

    These findings are consistent with quantity theory of money .

  24. 因此货币迷失是我国经济运行方式阶段性调整的必然产物,是外部变量冲击下货币数量论有效性得以维持的特殊方式。

    Missing money is the inevitable outcome of adjustment on economic circulation mode at different stages , and is the special means to maintain the validity of quantity theory of money under external variables ' impulsion .

  25. 文章认为1998年至今我国货币政策的反通缩实践虽然发挥了一定作用,但总体来说并未取得预期的成效,并由此导致我国货币政策无效论的产生。

    The paper thinks China 's monetary policies from 1998 have not reached the expectation in general and China 's deflation has not been solved to some degree , which causes the viewpoint of China 's monetary policy ineffectiveness to occur .